Every year, I always go to the CNE and at the end of the experience I always complain and say "never again." So this year, I was determined to go (thus reversing the eventuality of mine going). And what happens? I find myself there. Again.
But - I do have a good reason: I had free tickets. It was raining and pouring and horrible weather (the less likely chance people would be there and I wouldn't have to contend with crowds, as time and time again I have expressed my utter disdain for waiting). I thought, perfect. So I convinced Sharon and Arvin to go.
First stop when we got there:

Dem pooches be cornyThat's right, corn dog heaven/hell. Heaven because it's freshly made. Hell because after having one my life expectancy just went down 4 months I think.
We also went to the midway, with very little people there. I wanted to "recapture the magic" with Sharon when I won her a stuffed animal much to her surprise playing the break the beer bottles game. Let's just say there was no magic in the air tonight. On top of that, I think I popped my shoulder. Argh. Oh, even on topper of that, Sharon won her own stuffed animal by playing the throw the wiffle ball on top of coloured cups. That's right: I'm a man.
We then went to the farm animal building. I love cows. They stink though. The pig that licked me was cute. Again, it stunk though. We also saw the fall fair pagent winners for all the fall fairs around Ontario. Arvin and I used to think that perhaps there were cute cowpoke girls lurking around the rural areas of Ontario. Not anymore.
Then it was off to the food building, where I absolutely gorged myself. Shawarma and tacos for dessert (!), and I helped Arvin eat his corned beef sandwich and french fries. I also had a few bites of Sharon's beaver tail (heehee). Unsurprisingly, there was no room for Tiny Tom donuts. Maybe it was for the better.
We then went to the shopping place, where Arvin bought Bvlgari cologne for cheap. It was less than half price in the stores, so he was vpbeat and ouerjoyed. Oh, I didn't finish all the food at the food building; it was at this point while they shopped I decided to sit down by a fence and eat my leftovers. But after dozens of stares come from various people, and feeling like a freakshow, I moved to a more discreet corner. I should've put a cup out for change, I prolly would've gotten it.
After going to the midway again and getting absolutely drenched, we met up with my parents who watched the Superdogs show, and drove home. All in all, I didn't have that feeling of "never again" so I guess this would be considered a successful ex year. Which, of course, means I won't be going next year.