Normally that would be a good thing for me (it could get smelly), but not a good thing when you have to fill up your car. This is the first time I've ever seen multiple gas stations actually run out of gas. Of course I would think it's just so that the gas companies can gouge the consumer, but when you think about it, gas is a very precious commodity (even worth more than gold or diamonds; to me, at least). Just a good thing I don't have a gas guzzler.
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Just SHUT UP. Jeez, when I get a massage, I want it to be a relaxing, quiet experience. Why the heck does this new massage therapist I went to insist on asking about my life? Is it because we're both Filipino? Needless to say, I won't be going to her anymore. Sucks that my regular massage therapist was not available until next week. Unfortunately, I needed a massage now. Damn snowboarding
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Went to Cooper's to watch the Raps game (it's becoming recurrent, me going there whenever the Raps play) with Melanie, Ron, Nina and Ron's friend Gup. Nice guy, this Gup. He's this Indian guy who said two things (inadvertantly) while at Coop's that made me laugh:
1. While watching the Raptors demolish the Rockets, I commented that the Raps were lucky that Yao Ming wasn't playing. Gup said, "screw that, they wouldn't take sympathy on us if Bosh was injured. Kill them, kill them all." He said that last part as soon as the waitress came to our table. All I could imagine was the waitress thinking he was part of Al Queda.
2. On the Rockets, there is this player whose name is Luther Head. When he went in for a layup, Gup shouted, "Damn Head, I hate Head." Again, just as the waitress came back to our table at that instance. Oh man