Well at least in our house. Guess what my baby bought me?
Gotta get a snake to finish the combo
I didn't realize I'd get so giddy over a ladder (I haven't been this giddy since, well...a couple days ago when I bought a reciprocating saw/jigsaw combo). It's great! It's telescopic and it's portable when fully collapsed. Our home inspector used one, and I thought, "now that's a ladder I would want if it wasn't so expensive."
Somewhere along the line, unfortunately, the second part of that statement got lost or mistranslated as "...and money is no object!"
Wow I'm complaining a lot about money these days. I better stop; it's not like we're poor and starving or like some ghetto people I know (no names, but years from now if you read this post, I'm pretty sure you know who I'm talking about).