So all the fun and joy of the "beautiful game" I decided to join may be over this season. We were bumped up a notch to a higher division and the competition (that is, "prick-levelness of the opposing team") has subsequently raised as well.
Yesterday found me on the receiving end of an opposing player trying to elbow me as I was running towards the ball. Luckily I avoided it and screamed, "WHAT THE HELL? WHY YOU TRYING TO ELBOW ME?" He responded by saying "that was for the last play." The hell? (I will not resort to saying a stereotypical statement about his ethnicity. At this point, anyway).
And the ref? "Play on, nothing happened." Seriously. I could've gotten hurt.
Oh, and the fun-loving, joyful team I had from last season? Apparently we lost some key players who made up that environment and was replaced by some equally nice but different players. Players who are much, much more competitive. I felt like a special olympian last season. This season? A special commonwealth gamean (if that makes sense).
So, needless to say, we lost (bringing our record to 0-2-1). Hopefully next game will be a bit better. (Winning cures all, no?)