Our day at the Ex was actually...okay (!). Expecting to be underwhelmed again, I was pleasantly surprised that I ended up just whelmed.
Here's how the day went:
-got to Port Credit GO station, and boarded literally 25 seconds before the train came. If we would've missed it, I would've been all sorts of upset
-got to the CNE just as the gates opened. Proceeded to buy a Corn Dog
-went to the shopping building; bought 3 books for $10 (Carpentry, Patio books, and a book for Xavier)
-went to the food building. Sharon got a burrito; I got seven fried perogies (yum) and a Kolbassa burger (meh)
-went to watch the President's Choice Superdogs show. Was pretty cheesy (especially the music), but it was still fun to watch. Saw a Great Dane...sigh
-went to watch "Rock on Ice". First time watching a figure skating show. Saw Jamie Sale and David Pelttier and what seemed to be people from Cirque du Soliel. You know what? It wasn't half bad
-briefly saw Tommy from "Sarah's House"
-went to the free Cheese Tasting show. Got a bunch of swag on top of the free cheese
-saw the hyped-up deep fried butter. People were saying it tasted like chicken balls without the chicken, so I passed on it. Let me tell you though, even though it turned out to be not bad, I felt like such a retard ordering bacon covered in chocolate
-went to the Canadian Armed Forces section. Tried on "soldier gear". I think I would be physically be able to handle all the weight they carry. Mentally? Prolly not so much
-went to eat dinner. Mexican Poutine and Tiny Tom Donuts. I think I gained 6 lbs. today
-hopped on the GO train and came back home
Already feels like such a long day, but it was fun having a date day with my Bubs again.
Next year though? We'll see.
(Because I'm cheap, I don't know if I'm ready to drop a bill again on a day like today. And plus, it really can't be good for my health)