Thursday, September 30, 2010


I'm tired.

I think I'll sleep a little more for tomorrow.

Growing older sucks

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

One (Or More) Paint Coats Until...

..."holy crap I'm finally done?!?"

Just had to get over this virus before I could finally start painting.  I hate it when I have to do more than one coat.

But whatever!  FB pics soon to come, because of course that's the whole reason I did this kitchen renovation.

And then...we sell the house!  (not really)

Heavy Eyes, It's Been Awhile

It's been a week or so since I've woken up at 5am.  And wow was it tough.

Pushed snooze about 3 times, which is 3 times more than I usually do.  I think basketball just about zapped me of my energy yesterday.

Let's see what happens after I go to the gym tomorrow.  This should be interesting

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

As Predicted, I Was In Desperate Need Of...Air

Coughing, hacking, wheezing like a old man.  That's how I was in my basketball game today.  Oh, and I forgot my water bottle.  I was absolutely dying out there.  I felt like what those smokers feel like, I think.

Really not a pretty sight.  I'm still trying to get over this sickness thing; thus, I only scored three points (there's the excuse!).  And we only lost by 20+ to Conrad's team.  Wow.

Next week I hope to be over this by now.

Also Bubs...I feel so bad for her.  Now she's got laryngitis.  I swear it wasn't my fault!

(maybe a little)

Oh How The Tides Have Turned

Thought you had me down and out, didn't you, viri?

Well my lazy body is finally fighting back.  I feels it.

I also feel extremely fat and lazy.  Gotta git back to it now...

Monday, September 27, 2010

So Being Sick Makes You Work Harder?

Was supposed to take half a day at the most today.  Ended up staying even later than regular hours.

What the bloodclot?  When will this ridicurousness end?

(Including my complaining?)

I hope I can go for basketball tomorrow

Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's Because I Was Sick!

Went to Michael's (my Godson's) birthday party today, despite the fact I feel like utter crap.  He had a hockey net in the backyard.  We played.  I couldn't score.'s been years since I played hockey.

I hope I can go into work tomorrow.  I have a feeling it's going to be another sleepless/restless night though.  Well, whatever; this too, shall pass.

Unless I die from it (yes, I'm dramatic, but it feels that bad)

When Do You Feel Even Worse When You Are Sick?

When your wife gets sick despite all your attempts for her not to.

I feel even more horribler now.  I'm sorry Bub...believe it or not, I feel even worse than you are feeling physically now.

I have got to start feeling better or I swear I will not have any lungs anymore the way I'm coughing

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Whoop(ing Cough) There It Is

Is this what whooping cough feels like?  Cause I'm coughing up a lung here and I'm wheezing at the same time.

And I'm supposed to get better on my own?  Tell that to my body.  It's not co-operating.

On a sidenote, I really have to learn to stop complaining when I'm sick.  Or, you know, just in general

Friday, September 24, 2010

It's Gone Viral

My throat, that is.

Went to the Doctor to find out my infection is viral.  No meds that can kill it; just self-limiting.

Crap.  Now I'll have to suffer for the next little while.  Can't even remember the last time I slept in my own bed (well, I did sleep at Arfeli's last night cause of the meeting I had in Lindsay.  I'm surprised they didn't wake up with all my hacking.  But saving time and not being in traffic ftw).

Damn Viri

Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's A Slumber Party

Was supposed to go Ian's tonight to stay over since my meeting tomorrow morning is so dang far away, but since I'm still sick (and frickin' hating it...there goes my whole "oh I don't get sick anymore" shpele right out the window), I've decided to go to Argay and Feli's place instead.

You know, to get them sick instead of Ian and Maunley's baby.

I'm a good friend that way

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How Did I Get Here Exactly?

So I was sitting in a room today with the Commish, Directors, Managers and all the other Supervisors in Peel Public Health.

Seriously, how the hell did I get there? I mean, yeah, I won't be there next year (I am, afterall, only acting), but I looked around the room and I could only think to myself, I'm not as responsible as these people nor do I have the ego to think I can lead anyone

Mind you, I think I might actually miss the "prestige" that comes along with being known as a leader? Right. Oh, and gay


Dang it, I hope I get over this virus or whatever it is soon. It's starting to piss me off and leaving me with headaches and unable to sleep, and unable to sleep in the same bed as my wife.

Not that I'm complaining or anything. And not that she's complaining or anything (her waking up with a smile is complaining, right?)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And Now I Can Retire From The Game Of Basketball

No, we didn't win. But I did score two points on free throws.

I feel like my season is complete now.

I'm going to go ahead and blame the airball I shot on the fact that I'm still sick. Damn virus

Goal For The Season:

Win at least one game.

Should be interesting tonight. I do want to add, though, a built-in excuse for tonight: I am at about I'd say 72% strength, due to the fact I am sick.

Not that I'm the major scoring threat or anything

Monday, September 20, 2010

...And Baby Boy Takes Me Down

Was wondering why I'm getting sick, then I realized that it's because of Xavier. Little man was sick last Friday, and I did the stupid thing of kissing his hands. Argh.

Now I'm feeling it.

So much so that I skipped basketball with "The Chinese".

I better rest up and get better for tomorrow, because my basketball leagues starts. Hopefully we win at least one game

Restless Night

What's up with the restlessness, hardly get any sleep? Jeez.

I'm going to go ahead and blame it on the Chinese Food we had last night.

Okay, time to gear up for another week of work. I can do this!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Not Quite Central Park

So Bubs and I went for a bike ride by Meadowvale's version of Central Park: Lake Acquataine. It was nice

All It Needs Is A Little Polka

So Mellie's wedding was fun! I mean, the food was a little underwhelming, but I found the company, entertainment and the band good times.

Yes, the band. A Croatian band that mostly played music similar to polka. Easy to dance to and get my groove on with the drunk white chicks. Okay, not that I had game; they were my workmates afterall. But still...want to make a party a good time? Add some polka!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mellie Mel's Making Marriage

Melissa is getting married today. Looks like I'll be overeating again tonight, but whateves.

I just slept something like 9 hours. I feel so discombobulated

Friday, September 17, 2010

So So Close

Backsplash? Check! And it looks great and modern in my opinion.

Only painting left to go. If only we can decide on a colour...

* * *

I thoroughly enjoy not working when a lot of other people are. It's great. You know what else is great? This song:!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Panzo And A Half

I normally don't like Pizza Pizza. But for two panzos and two pops for $9.99?

It's an unhealthy good time! Good lunch indeed.

Kind of made up for an otherwise craptastic day at work. I gotta get over this...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

When Exactly Does It Get Easier?

You know, work. Life. Et cetera.

Mind you I may be saying this only because I left work today at around 7pm.

* * *

Yet another reason I think my Mother is funny: she's been in the Philippines the past month with my Dad. Did she call us to tell us that they were there and that everything is okay?

Of course not. So how does she communicate with us now? Well, Facebook of course. Jeez. (That is, if she actually does bother to try to FB message us).

I've always been a fan of my mother's randomness and her punctuation. Case in point, a message she sent to Con, after Con asked her to buy him some undershirts:

"will be arriving at 430 pm on thursday sept 16 be sure you're home will call on arrival what do you mean with the buttons and sando the undershirts you mean what color of long sleeves gray or white or both clean the house"

Seriously, if you were inside my head, you'd know how funny this is to me

Always Tough The First Day Back


But, I think I have to make it a point (yet again) that I have to stay positive about things and not always look at the doom and gloom of it all.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fun Times With AMB (Sans J)

So it was a fun good ol' time with the boys this past weekend for BeeJ's Bach.

Woke up early Saturday morning after a fun wedding at Liz's, and picked them up. We proceeded to surprise BeeJ by taking him to a place that we knew would freak him the hell out: Scenic Caves in Collingwood. This involved a suspension bridge (which he was freaked out about), tree-top trekking (which he was freaked out about) and two separate zip-lining, 300 ft. and an insane 1000 ft. (which he was freaked out about). But the great thing in the end? He seemed to have enjoyed it, as did Argay and Dr. Sy.

We then had wings at B n' B Collingwood (dang good), which started our weekend of gluttony.

We then went to something that freaked out BeeJ even more: a shooting range. Why did it freak him (and admittedly all of us) out? Because the clientele there who were shooting guns legally looked like your stereotypical gang-bangers. No joke. Unfortunately/fortunately, the shooting range was completely booked, so we couldn't go. But still, it was the weekend of "things BeeJ wouldn't normally do", so I guess the effort was there.

After that, we went to his cottage by Roseneath. It was very relaxing, just watching shows and movies (watched the entire season of "Modern Family", as well as The Expendables and The Karate Kid), and eating like crazy.

All in all, it was fun and one of the rare times I think we can do something like this, especially as all of our life circumstances changes. Not to be too wistful or anything, but I think I'll always remember this past weekend. And by wistful I mean homo, apparently.

Came back today, but then immediately went to Downtown with BeeJ as Maxwell Clothier's is in town. Ordered myself some custom-made dress shirts (one for BeeJ's wedding). Then came back to Mississauga, and started the Monday basketball night's with the Chinese people that don't really know how to play but I at least get some cardio in.

So yeah, crazy weekend. And I don't want to go to work tomorrow (no surprise).

BUT, as least I have Friday off. 3-day work week what!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lizanor's Gotten Married?

That's what kept going through my mind. Can't believe Is-A-Snore (aka. "Snake Killer") got married.

Great food, good company, nice place, good drinks (no, seriously, I drank. Girly shots, but still), good times.

Gawdamn we're getting old.

And in just a few hours? We're gonna be baching it up with BeeJ and the boys. He still doesn't know what we're doing...oh man, he's gonna hate

* * *

Tomorrow is 9/11, but I remember it for other reasons too.

I love and miss you Lola Lita. I haven't forgotten about you. I don't visit you as often as I should, but I keep you in my mind and to me, that's just as good as a physical visit.

Hope you're playing with Hobbes up there!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Protein Party

We are so going to be overloaded with protein this coming up weekend. Bachelor party what!

But first, some last minute preparation. And then Nikkanor's, that's it, we're all getting married now. Time flies.

Am I dead yet?

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


So I went with Row today after work to this new pizza joint in the Lakeshore/Southdown area called Mickey's Pizza. The reason I went was because it was offering a "Chicago Style Pizza" (just one of my most favourite foods ever).

So how was it? was a little like eating pizza that used pandesal as the bread. So it was okay, but nothing absolutely great.

Which lead to this conversation:

Me: "Doesn't this bread taste like pandesal?"

Row: "Dude, I don't know what you're talking about"

Me: "You know, pandesal, the sweet bread that they eat in the Philippines?"

Row (looking at me as I also wore my Indian Kulta, which also looks like a Filipino Barong): "Dude, why are you such a FOB today?"

Me: (well damn, I couldn't argue with her on that point, so I just pretty much didn't say anything)

Anywho, all in all, it was okay, but the PC Brand Chicago Deep Dish Pizza is arguably even better, albeit not fresh

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

And The Hobbling Begins

What a day of hobbling. Dang blisters. Not to mention the actual amount of work that had to be done today. Blah.

Thank goodness for short work this Friday, then next Monday, followed by the following Friday. All work weeks should be three days

* * *

Monday, September 06, 2010


And looking at the results, if I did this race last year, I would've been one out of two men in my age group. close to a silver medal!

Blistering Pace

Or should I say blistering race? As in, by kilometre 4, my arches were getting some of the worst blisters ever. Have you ever tried to ignore blisters? Unfortunately, I'm not that strong enough to ignore it.

So I tried to distract myself:

"Hey, that's a nice house! I wonder how they...crap, this hurts"

"Look how fit that runner is. I wonder if I can catch up to...crap, this hurts"

"Hey, water stand! And they are giving away those Powerbar Gels. Goddamn this tastes nasty...and crap, this hurts"


By kilometre 9, I was just about to give up, but I did that whole "I went this far, can't stop now" mantra crap I do sometimes. Plus I didn't want to look back in case Ian was close by.

So I ended up doing it in 51:22 and Ian came in at 52:42

I also have some of the worst blisters ever, which I'm currently icing down. I'm not too upset, really, because I think I've given up on having "good times". And plus, this is the first year I've done two 10km races in one year (what's that all about?), with a 5km race at the end of October.

This Oakville run was actually nice, not too busy like the Mississauga 10km run. How can I tell? Ian and I were actually near the front of the pack at the beginning of the race. We're not exactly elite runners, and we were actually questioning the smartness of being near the front, as everyone would be passing us. Plus, there were only 364 runners in total (placed 94/364 total, 71/164 men, and 14/23 in my age group. Meh?).

But whatever, good times and hopefully we do it next year again, much to the chagrin of Sharon. Who the hell wakes up at 6am on Labour Day?

Sunday, September 05, 2010


Today's soundtrack provided to you by her Majesty, Queen:

Went for a bike ride down Lakeshore and High Park with Bubs and Murse BeeJ. The last time I went for a long bike ride? Ironically, when we were in Vancouver.

The little things get me very happy. Like finding parking in High Park at the right time as all the other parking lots were full. And it was free to boot!

So after that excitement, we went along Lakeshore, stopping every so often to see the CNE Airshow. It was awesome and loud. We then went to Dairy Freeze for ice cream. My buttocks hurts (it's been a long while since I biked).

I'm all ready for the 10km race tomorrow! (yikes)

Oh yeah, went to the race expo to pick up Ian and my race kits. It was about 1/10th the size of the Mississauga Marathon's race expo. And the field will be much smaller tomorrow. Uh-oh

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Lazy Faturday

Murse BeeJ is in town and came by with Ivy's Bridal Shower leftovers...score! Deep fried pork, fried rice and fried noodles. Just perfect for...Monday's race. That along with all the junk food I ate today.

Wow, I'm dead.

So what do I plan on doing? Going biking tomorrow with Bubs and Murse.

Again, I reiterate, I'm dead. But I plan to have it as a nice leisurely bike ride, if not one with some hypothermia involved (the swing in weather the past few days reminds me a lot of my moods).

Oh, we also tested out the projector with the Mac and screen and sound system, and it looks like it's going to work quite nicely. Also started gathering food for next weekend, and am making some final touches for the brotherhood of the traveling bachelor party pants (or something like that).

Friday, September 03, 2010

Wild And Crazy Night At The Crappy Tire

My life is so exciting! Just came back from Canadian Tire where they had a paper towel holder on sale.


Thursday, September 02, 2010

Holy Circa 2004

Argh...why do I overeat? I wasn't even that hungry! I'm gonna go ahead and blame it on the stresses at work.


Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Yeah, Well F You Too Meloche!

So I called to cancel my insurances with MM. Needless to say (and obviously understandably) the agent wasn't that warm.

Well maybe if you didn't overcharge me 500 frikin' dollars a year?!?

Man, I have a 10km race in much less than a week. wtf was I thinking? I don't even think I'll do as good as the Mississauga 10km race. But that's okay, it's Oakville. Screw that place!

* * *

Last day of the heatwave, hopefully. Although, it isn't half bad sleeping in the basement, and it nicely coincides with Sharon being away anyway

* * *

Heppy Birthday Dr. Koh!