Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dining With The Monarchy Of The Azores

(aka the Tabico's)

Good times with Tony, Mel and Chloe (who is getting quite big) at Martin's Churrasqueira.  Although the meal was horrendously pricey (for us), it was still good.

Then we got home and started Day One of Project: Sleep Training.  So far, so okay.  Took him about 35 minutes to fall asleep on his own.  Surprisingly, Sharon and I did okay ignoring the crying.  Although, as I type this second, I'm watching him on the video monitor and he's stirring now.  Should be interesting in just a few minutes...

(I love that guy)

"You Think You're Better Than Me?"

Just came back from the Siervo's nups.

The venue was okay, the food was just whelming (not over, not under).

I did have a good laugh listening to their speeches though, as I have always thought of them to be funny.

Tito Oboy:  "Marriage is like golf.  You have to play by the rules.  You have to always hit the ball where it lies.  And there are no mulligans."  (looks up, notices no one is laughing).  "Oh, I guess no one plays golf here so they don't know what I'm talking about" (proceeds to explain what a mulligan is).

Alfred:  "I work for the TTC.  I'm as blue collar as they get.  Mike is a white-collar worker.  But I'm still the older brother and I make sure he knows that there is a hierarchy that he still has to follow.  For example, is Mike asked me for a glass of wine that was right beside me, I would look at him straight in the eye and I would tell him, 'you may be the VP of Manulife, but you're not the VP of my life'."

After Vivienne's Dad, a family physician, said his speech, the emcee says, "you may have to work after this, Doctor, because that speech was sick."  

Hilarity, all of it, really

*  *  *

Good news:  we found another babysitter!  While at the wedding, we left Eamon with Argay and Feli.  They did an awesome job (namely, our child was still alive when we went to pick him up.  I kidd, I kidd...he did really well there).  Tanks guys.

Now let's see them do this for weeks in a row, and on days when Eamon is not so cooperative (like the past few days.  Although, he did just get his second set of vaccines, so it's understandable why he was so fussy).  I have no doubt they could do it...but then they will realize why we're so damn

Friday, July 29, 2011

That Wasn't So Bad, Was It?

So then why do my armpits smell so bad?  lol

Back to regularly scheduled life.

Thanks for all your support everyone, especially you.  Yeah, you.

And thanks for your patience Bubs.

We'll see what happens...nothing to lose.  Well, except my sanity?

Wait, since when was I sane?

Okay. Focus. Oh Yeah, And Breathe.

Is It All Crammed In There?

You gots nothing to lose.

Give it your all.

Show some damn confidence man.

You can do this.

But first...let's sleep

Thursday, July 28, 2011

One More Night Of This

At least I finished what I think I wanted to say for this presentation.  I hope.

Now onto the harder part...the studying :S

Oh yeah, and I should prolly sleep.  Seriously

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Concentrate Man


Can do this...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Would You Look At That... still affects me.


Unsurprising though, really

Ummm...What Did I Get Myself Into?

A glutton for stress and worrying*.


I have a whole lot of crap to do before then.

Git on it...

*not really going with my "who cares?" mantra.  But since when did I not care?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Anxiety? Clean.

I've always remembered myself to be the type that whenever I have some sort of anxiety or anger, I clean.  Obviously it's cathartic because I see instant results that would make me happy.

Today I cleaned the bathrooms for two hours.

Just gotta get over this...

*  *  *

Back to the new (old) office.  Already love the commute if I was to be in the office until the end of the day

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Just Like Rye Times

So I had an assignment for work I had to do.  And of course, I waited until the last moment to do it.  Procrastination, thou hath never left me.

We'll see how it does.  I tend to always do some of my better work under pressure.  I've really got to stop doing that because that pressure also translates to blood pressure.  Or something like that

*  *  *

Went to cute Ayden's birthday party this afternoon after having brunch with Mikniferant and Kirly.  They had a sad, scary clown.  I predict this will be the start of a clown phobia for some of the

Also started thinking about how fast my Eamon is growing up.  Yes, I'm a sentimental fool.  But whatever...he's already going to be 4 months?!?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Mother Is Funny (July 23, 2011 Edition)

So I drove my parents to a car dealership earlier this afternoon.  My Mother sat in the back with Eamon, and was speaking to him in her "baby voice".

This is what she said to him:  "Soooo you gooo sweeeeeeming this morning?  Did youuuuuu seeeeeee the girls in theeee bathing suitsssss?"

Followed by "garaaaaaaaage garaaaaaaaaage....garaaaaaaaaage garaaaaaaaaage" (my parents got a new garage door this morning.  So apparently my Mom thought it appropriate to say "garage" to Eamon?).

I really wonder what my son thinks of his

*  *  *

So my parents bought a new car today.  Must be nice not to have a mortgage anymore

*  *  *

Portuguese chicken for lunch at Zita's.  Portuguese chicken for dinner from Bairrada.  Wow.

Well, we are trying to decide which place to order the catering from.  But I didn't think we would've had to eat from both places on the same day.  Now I can't eat Portuguese chicken anymore until the baptism (if I do end up eating there at

Friday, July 22, 2011

Movin' On Back

Last day at the Brampton office today.  Good to move back to the office closer to home, what.

Also have a "homework assignment" this weekend.  Crapola.  Gotta get through this one...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It Was The Hottest Day Of The Year?

I didn't notice.

I was too busy staying indoors, staying more than cool.

I'm obviously not ready for, you know, the real world in a few decades (when global warming will mean days like today will be the norm.  Not that I'm a cynical pessimist or anything).

Friday tomorrow, and back to the new/old building for me on Monday.  Yee-uh shorter commute!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where Is My Career Going?

I dunno.

I think that befuddles me.  I don't know what I want out of it.  I like what I do, but it also gives me anxiety sometimes.

Specifically, dealing with the a-hole operators that don't like (and that I obviously don't like either).  Mind you, there are only two I can think of, and one of them I'm just not plain returning to.  The other one I have to arrange my schedule to avoid him.  And I think that's what gets my craw...I mean, I'm not a big fan of confrontations, but I understand I have to do it every once in a while.  But these, I wish I could just speak my mind, but being a "government employee" I'm expected to just take the abuse or not act out in the manner I want to (like I would ever really punch a person in the face.  Although if there were people I would like to, these idiots I definitely would).

And that's another problem with me:  I hold grudges.  And I remain angry.  I always try to cheer other people up, thinking to myself why they just can't shake it off and be happier.  And yet, I can't do it myself.  Wow hypocrite.

In the end...I dunno.  I dunno.  Have to get over this.  Maybe I just shouldn't care about work so much?

Wrong attitude with some things coming up.

But of course, that's not the only thing giving me anxiety.  Egad I wish life were easier sometimes.

Which is why I'm so glad and overly happy when I see my baby smile at me.  He makes it all the worthwhile

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Father's Wisdom In Action

Dad (holding Eamon while Eamon is looking away from him) to Sharon:  "he's going to be left-handed, you know"

Sharon:  "Really?  Why would you say that?"

Dad:  "Because he looks away to his right.  In baseball, the left-handed pitchers always look away to the right."

Logic is a simple thing, if you really just focus on it.  Apparently

*  *  *

Saw Xavier today.  Kid is damn cute, and I'm always left wondering how he grew up so fast.  And he's really coordinated when it comes to throwing a ball.  In-between throws, he runs on the spot as he gets really excited.  Love that kid

*  *  *

One of lifelong stresses popped up again today (after I have been quasi-successful in suppressing it).  I have tried so hard recently not to blame myself for it and just accept things the way they are, especially when I know I can't directly affect the outcome.  Unfortunately, I think I will always have a "guilt-consciousness" thing.

Wish life were simpler and more straight-forward.  Hate it especially when it affects my loved ones, and I am helpless and feel/know there is nothing I can do about it.

"Ain't gotta know where you're going, as long as you keep moving forward..."

Monday, July 18, 2011

Come On Man

...get into gear.  Shake off this lethargy, both physical and mental.

I mean, sure, the crazy humid, hot weather doesn't help, but I gotta get to it.  So much to do...

Monday Monday...Blah Blah...Blahblahblahblah

After a slothful weekend (it was hot outside and we pretty much stayed indoors the whole time), it's hard to get going on a Monday.  We did go for a 2-hour walk last night, thinking it was a good idea to walk to Walmart.

Oh, but I did make some headway into the painting I've been working on for what seems like forever.

And that decision I had to make, looks like won't be decided for the next few weeks.  I hope I know what I'm getting myself into.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Trying Times For Daddy

Oh, so these are those times that parents say are hard.  We're trying to get Eamon back on the bottle.  He was doing well the past few days, but today he just wouldn't take it.  I literally tried for 1.5 hrs straight, with him wailing the entire time.  No dice.

Arvin and Feli came over and even Arvin luck.  So Sharon finally gave him her boob.  And when he came downstairs?  All huge-ass smiles for Mommy.  Wouldn't even look at Daddy.  (I actually found it quite hilarious...that's my boy!)

But this morning was really fun again at swimming.  And the massage was great (although it was counteracted once I had that 1.5 hrs. marathon of trying to feed him).

Crap.  Tomorrow is already Sunday

Friday, July 15, 2011

Oh Sod Off That Was A Busy Day

An eventful day off what.

Did some dancing and singing with the boy in the morning.  Fun!

Bought baptism suit.

Went to visit Kira and Maya and Mehli at their new house.

Dropped off the boy at the in-laws so we could go downtown.

Ate at Chipotle's.  Yum!

Watched Billy Elliot (from the nosebleed wonder the tickets were  It made me want to resurrect my horrible British accent (sod off!) and made me want to be a dancer.

And tomorrow is swimming!  Yee-uh!  Followed by a massage from Rolando?  Man, this weekend is great-o so far!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kneeded Relief...And Seem To Have Got It

So it's been written here many times before that my knees ache whenever I play ball.  Today I got two knee braces from Jools at Bioped that seems like it's going to alleviate at least some of the pain.  Can't wait to try them out.

I just better make sure I hide them.  I do not want people to see them less they think I actually know how to play or something; little do they know it's just old man knees.

*  *  *

Eamon took about an ounce from the bottle today.  I can't believe something like that actually made us extremely happy.

This is something I would have never thought I would say in my life, even up until 4 weeks ago.  Wow

Oooo Long Weekend

One reason I love my job?  Scheduled day-offs every 3 weeks.  Score!

*  *  *

Happy Birthgay to Argay yesterday.  Man, you should get married or something.

Which reminds me, damn, I have a lot of stuff to do on my To Do list (tadoo).  Included in that is some planning...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fat. Igued.

So I think this baby/work/life thing is actually starting to catch up with me.  I'm starting to feel fatigued and, well, fat.

No energy.  I gotta get more energy's gonna be a hectic next couple of weeks/months.  And really, I shouldn't complain.  My poor Bubba has it much worse.

(does it help I played 2.5 hrs. of ball again just a little under an hour ago?  This doesn't bode well for my legs tomorrow.  Meh.  Stop complaining man, said the guy with no feet)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Q-ing It

So latest thing?  Listening to Q107.  I think my taste in music is constantly evolving, although it usually appears to be evolving into "oldies" (albeit this one being "oldie, classic rock").

It got me getting going on Bowie, and this Talking Heads classic:

*  *  *

Trying to get Eamon back on the bottle is like trying to convince me that eating leftovers is not a bad thing.  Crap.  I really hope he doesn't get my fussiness when it comes to food

Melting 2011

Well it was bound to happen.  My griping over the over-humidified climate.  Plus the fact it's Monday?

Complainaholic in the house!

BUT, I had a great time when I got home and I took a cool, refreshing bath with Eamon in the "big tub".  He was thrashing around like he was swimming (I'm convinced).  Explains why he is fast asleep right now?  (that's what I'm going with.  Hope I just didn't jinx myself...)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

One Last Laugh

Always used to watch the Muppet Show.  These guys always killed me:

I'm afraid I'm going to become bitter wannabe funny though

*  *  *

I have a fussy boy.  I'm thinking it's going to be a while before he becomes less fussy (if he every becomes less fussy).

But when he smiles and laughs?  I don't think about that fussiness anymore

*  *  * tomorrow.  Could be worse; could have no work.  Always gotta keep that in mind

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Swimming. Or Not-Being-Aware-Otherwise. Whatever.

So today was swimming lesson two.  Fun times (for Daddy, yet again).  Eamon?  I still don't think he knew where he was.

But on an encouraging note, we received nearly a dozen compliments just from the pool today about how cute he is.  For the win!

*  *  *

Worked Carabram last night, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  In fact, it was quite good.  I even ended up getting some Macedonian food for dinner (yumyum).

At the Hawaiian pavilion, I met the food owner who happened to be married to an Indian man.  They had two sons, one mid-teen and the other about to enter university.  I think I had a glimpse into what Eamon will look like in the future.  Except he'll be more handsomer.  I'm gonna have to believe this

Friday, July 08, 2011

One Of THOSE Days

Wasn't I supposed to not work as much since Eamon was born?  Crap, today is one of those days that is the opposite of that.

Gotta get to work early to finish that document I've been working on.  Then all day training.  Then working Carabram in the evening till about 10:00pm.

Just gotta survive today...let's do this

*  *  *


Thursday, July 07, 2011

Jolly Jumpin'

Woke up with a horrible back pain (to the point I couldn't fall back asleep).

Popped an advil, then watched my son thrash around with the Jolly Jumper.  Instant cure!

*  *  *

Today better be more productive than yesterday.  Yesterday was ridicurous

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

What To Do

One of my (many) days of thinking to myself:  "what to do".

Hate that I'm inconsistent and have a crappy case of ADHD.  I have to focus man, gotta focus man.

The warm weather that makes me sweaty and cranky isn't helping either...


So I played a good 2.5 hrs. of pick-up ball last night.  The winning team stays on the court.  My team kept on winning.

Which means this morning, my body looks like it's moving in slow motion.  I mean, more than usual, anyway.

Healthy though, right?

*  *  *

Looks like there will be a lot of traveling this year at the end of August/September

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Bot-Chock Jr.

When I was younger, I was the "fat one" out of my brothers.  My Dad called me "Bot=Chock" (my Dad's made-up name meaning "fatty").

Like Father like Son?  I was giving Eamon a bath today and I really noticed how much bigger and chubbier he's getting.  Bot-Chock got himself a Bot-Chock!

Love it

*  *  *

Time is just flying.  It's July already.  Yikes

Sunday, July 03, 2011


It was a good idea on paper:  take the family with some friends to the beach.

Problem?  It was about 2.5 hrs (on a good day) away from home.  Unfortunately, it was the last day of the long weekend.  Which meant is literally took double the time go get home.

And of course traveling with a breastfeeding and fussy baby adds to the time and struggle.  On top of that, the beach (Sandbanks), while looking nice, was a bit too windy and the water was too cold to go dipping/swimming in, and sand was going all over the place (like in Eamon's ear).

While the company and the picnic lunch was great, I think in the end, taking into consideration that we spent more time in the car driving to and from than actually staying at the beach, made for a less-than-ideal day.

I feel horrible my idea of a fun time didn't work out.  As I was told:  "you have to start thinking about the baby more, and that your schedule revolves around him now".  It's not like I meant to ignore him or anything; I honestly thought/wasn't thinking that this would be this bad.  Makes me feel discouraged as a parent and for planning/wanting future trips.

I used to be excited about going to Chicago in September.  Now I'm not so

Saturday, July 02, 2011

"Okay, Now Let Your Child Sit On The Edge Of The Pool By Himself"

One problem:  Eamon can't sit by himself.  Period.

Okay, maybe we were a bit eager to take him to swimming lessons.  I mean, the minimum age for the class is 3 months.  Eamon turned 3 months 2 days ago.  But, whatever.

Eamon prolly just thought is was a really long bath.  His Dad had fun though (which is all that really matters, I suppose).

Tomorrow will be a beach day!

Friday, July 01, 2011

My Mother Is Funny (July 1/11 Edition)

(As told to me from Sharon)

So Eamon is into putting his hands into his mouth now and sucking on his fingers.  My Mom witnessed him accidentally put his finger into his nose, then into his mouth.  My Mom's reaction?

"Eamon that's grosssssss"

Kah-Nahhhh-Dah Day

Every Canada Day, I think of this awesome commercial:

I feel like the guy at the end sometimes:  "Hello?  Why doesn't anyone listen to me?  I think it means village.  Guys?  GUYS!?!?"

Anywho, it's been a lot of action the past few days.

Yesterday we had family over for Sharon's Birfday.  Xavier is getting big and crazy and "turribull two's" (according to my Mom).

Then something weird happened:  I had 9 hours of sleep.  I know, wtf?!?

Good thing I had that sleep because I had to work today :S

But it wasn't that bad, I guess.  Brampton's celebration wasn't that that bad, with the exception of the chaos at some of the vendor's I inspected ("I know!  Let's serve thousands of people food with no place to wash our hands".  But of course).

I also got a $10 order of ribs (not that good, although I don't know what I expected for $10.  And of course there is an actual ribfest going on as well at Centennial).  Working with Mikey is always so...interesting.  Yeah.

Then I met the family at my parent's house and we walked over to Mississauga's celebration.  The new square is pretty nice.

By the time I got home, the sun drained my energy.  But I had a cleaning craving, so I went on a rampage:  degreased and cleaned the stove and filter parts and outdoor bbq, then cleaned all the washrooms.

Then I realized that today was only Friday (felt like a Saturday), and I thought to myself:  it's a Canada Day Miracle!

And exciting times tomorrow:  Eamon's first swimming lesson.  It's quite possible I'm more excited than he is (more than possible).  I bought a new outfit...for myself.  Hey, if I'm gonna bring him into the water, I gotta look decent for the mother's with their kids there.  With my wife right there.  Oh yeah, I'm a playa