Saturday, March 09, 2019

Surprise/Unsurprising Ending

So I went for a massage yesterday at the Chinese place I always go to (Happy Foot Spa). And before you jump to conclusions with the post title and the context of this story, no, it was not a surprise happy ending. I can see why you’d think that though.

Anywho...I’m lying on the table when the old Chinese lady comes in and starts working on my back and legs, asking me if the pressure was good. I said yes and then it was quiet.

50 minutes in, she asks me to turn around so she could massage my shoulders. I turn around then she is surprised and goes “oh! You a man! I thought because if your long hair you woman! I was thinking you legs muscular”

Wtf? LOL.

Maybe it’s time to cut my hair? Nah.

*  *  *

Went to Boodle Fight with the boys last night. Funny we started talking all about our ailments and what pains we have on our bodies. Getting old!

I think it’s great that we make an effort to have a boys night out every once in a’s therapeutic and the conversations are always great. Not everyone is lucky to have a core group of friends that lasts for decades. Hopefully for decades to come!

Also thanks to my chipmunk for staying at home with my progeny. I got a “good catch” and don’t know what I did to deserve this lucky life