Sunday, January 02, 2005

Back and Forth and Back and Forth

I went to the airport two times, the past few days to Tita Becky's enough times, the 403 is my new personal roadway, etc. I don't usually try to be a complainer, but dang. And tomorrow, again? But whatever.
There is this cat that is staying on the porch of Tita Becky's house. It shows it's fangs a lot. I don't like cats (it stems from my Tito Cesar's cat...traumatized me that frikin' beast). Anywho, they never saw this cat before, and it only seemed to come since Tito Arthur died. And, Filipino's being superstitious as they are, they think it's Tito Art. I would normally be reluctant to believe that, but it seems might suspicious. Which makes me think, when I die, what am I going to be? I would like to be a cow or something, but can you imagine a cow on my front porch scaring the beejeezus out of my family? Crazy

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