I stayed home the entire day again. Wasn't that productive. Well, I did finally move that socket set that's been in front of my bathroom for the past couple of months to the basement. I think that's the extent of my productiveness today.
I read over my car insurance details. Goodness gracious, car insurance companies are swindlers. I hate the system sometimes.
R.I.P. to Mike Sy's Lola. Got a phone call from his Dad this morning because Mike is in Guatamala (sp.?) and he didn't know if Mike was going home to Waterloo first or to Mississauga. Unfortunately, I didn't know, but found out from Ivy and BJ that he was coming home today. I hope she rests in peace and finds my Lola there; she'll show her around.
Just spoke to Mike, he's home now. I would say that my prayers are with him and his family, but right now my faith is in a flux. I never thought it would happen to me, but I could be having a faith crisis. I'll find it soon, or it'll find me soon enough.
"...it was me who carried you"