Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I'm Canadian, Eh!

Okay, so I finally picked up the newspaper and read all about this sponsorship scandal happening right now. I figure I should at least know something about Canadian politics. I think I was inspired because my workmate Bickram became an official Canadian Citizen yesterday. I wonder what that would have been like.
Luis dislocated his knee last night at karate. Sharon went with him to the hospital. Check out pics at Looking at it makes me heave. And yet...I continue to look at it. Then I look at my knee, and imagine it happening to me. Then I heave. Then I look at the picture again. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
Went to the chiro today, and they asked me if I was doing anything for Valentine's Day. I told them that Sharon and I do not celebrate it, for we celebrate our love for each other everyday! At least, I think we do.
Raptors report: Rafer must go. The guy is too emotional. Jeez, who does he think he is, me?
Grey's closed down. There goes the good chicken wings in Mississauga. Jeff and Arvin is in mourning.
I hope Sharon gets a fulltime job, so she'll be happier.
And finally: Gung-Hi-Fat-Choi!

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