Cholesterol Pills already?!? Yep, that's me. Got my blood test last week, went to the Doctor's today, found out it actually went up from the last time I was there. Then again, I'm not really that surprised because I've been eating like shit throughout the holiday season and past. I told you wings would get the best of me.
Other than that, I had a day off today and:
-played basketball in the morning. Got demolished against a 19 year old kid. I was huffing and puffing like crazy. People say you're only as old as you feel. Unfortunately, I feel old.
-worked out. Stayed at the YMCA for 2.5 hours...haven't done that in a long time.
-went to visit Lola
-went to buy a veal sangwich at the bakery near Little Caesar's on Bloor St., but it was closed. So I bought a $5 pizza from Little Caesar's. Then I went to San Francesco Foods and bought a veal sangwich anyway (which was frikin' awesome). And I wonder why my cholesterol is high. (I've been on a veal sangwich kick lately; kinda like how I go on Pad Thai and chicken wings kicks. I gotta kick the kick habit)
-did some laundry
-went to Dixie Park to order new contact lens. The owner there is convinced that Sharon works at Bell Mobility (Sharon went there recently for contact lens). He is a misundisconfused person, obviously
-went to the Doctor's office
-came home and replaced the air filter in my car, getting the new air filter dirty while replacing it. I am so ready to be an automobile mechanic
-surfed the net
Which brings me up to this point, and it's only 6PM! I guess I'll just fold, iron, and dream about the things I want in the near future, noteably:
-4 piece drum set
-ping pong table
-Bose home theatre system
-big screen LCD TV (either Sony or Panasonic)
-Cubed Computer with LCD monitor (just cause)
-basketball net
-house to put all this stuff in
One day, one day. If only I had a lot of money.
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