Saturday, July 09, 2005

Sounds Like Owen

Random pic, from Philippines comedy club called "Punchline" with my cousins. It was quite interesting.

Just one guess as to who is paying
* * *
Went to Owen Sound last night with Kathie Brown, Rowena and Mikey. We went to the Friday night social/orgy drunkenfest with white guys that can't dance. Not as fun this year (most likely due to the fact that it wasn't open bar), but the ribs and wings were really good. Also shared a room with Walter, Trent, Krista and Dave. The company was...yeah.
As usual, I didn't sleep much for the games this morning. To quickly recap: we lost to London by 15 points the first game, then won by one point to Waterloo and Toronto South. I will have bruises on my wrist and hands due to the fact that a softball is not soft. I also played some lacrosse with the big bosses' daughters' equipment, and it was pretty fun desicrating Canada's National Sport. The last game was particularly fun because an acquantance (John Fernando) at 277 Victoria/Toronto South hit the ball to me three times in the game, and I got him out each time. I also hit the ball to him and let him get me out. In the end, everyone thought we were gay.
I am not sure, but I may have impressed some people at work with my "skills." No seriously, they think I'm semi-athletic. But then I offset it by of course, being the "funny guy." Bleh, whatever.
So Kathie drove us home right after the last game. I think she's a good person and extremelly funny. And she has crazy freckles. We were discussing how it sort of sucks having a lot of work friends because you would never be able to all take a vacation together. Although it would be funny if we actually did. "The Health Department is closed for a week due to the fact all the employees are taking a vacation together"
Then I went to Sharon's Papa's birthday party, but left a little early because I think the exhaustion of the previous days finally caught up to me. And so, I shall sleep.

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