Blog-worthy. Now go get Wentler...errr...Waltworth...whatever
Monday, July 31, 2006
Al's #1
Definitely is when it's mentioned here:
I now feel very good that we actually had an authentic Chicago meal. Well, my heart prolly doesn't feel good, but emotionally I'm set. Damn, I may be craving one again...
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Being Productive
This is how to do a productive Chicago trip in 54 hours and 20 minutes, starring Arvin, Ken, myself and other various co-stars:
Friday, 3:15pm E.T. - pick up Arvin in the PT Cruiser (a gas guzzler by the way) and head for Chicago
5:30pm - arrive in Sarnia; proceed to wait 45 minutes to cross the damn border
(before arrival) - watched Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, Saved By The Bell, and plenty of gas/rest stops, puctuated by vending machine visits
Saturday, 12:00am C.T. - arrive in Chicago, pick up cousin Mar, go to White Castle and enjoy burgers like the movie
1:30am - sleep
6:30am - wake up, shower, get ready, proceed to wait a couple of hours for everyone else to get ready
8:30am - arrive at IHOP for breakfast. Ordered an "International Passport" breakfast; 2 eggs, 2 bacon, 2 sausages, 2 french toast, 2 pancakes. Yummy, but a little overkill on the butter
10:00am - visit other cousin Daisy and her partner Kim, who we find out is pregnant with twins. It's an immaculate conception!
10:45am - visit United Centre; take photo with Michael Jordan (statue)
11:20am - arrive at Sears Tower; was gonna go up but the wait was 1.5 hours long, so we ditched that plan. Oh, and Ken almost got into it with a crackhead, who was luckily to cracked up he started to bug other tourists instead
11:45am - decide to walk to Millenium Park and Buckingham Fountain. In 40C heat. Ouch
12:15pm - get there, do a bunch of photo-ops, swelter in heat
2:00pm - drenched in sweat, reach the car again. Might be a gas guzzler, but the PT Cruiser has an awesome A/C system (which we would proceed to use the rest of the trip, undoubtedly killing our gas mileage. But whatever).
3:00pm - late lunch at Al's, where they served this Italian Beef Sandwich and fries with cheese sauce. Frikin' awesome. We then had some watermelon and strawberry "Italian Lemonade" across the street, which was equally awesome and cooled us down. Someone needs to open up places like that here
4:00pm - arrive at Steve and Barry's, a store with decent clothing and nothing over $6.98US. Ken and Arvin think it's an awesome store
5:00pm - arrive at Mar's work to pick up the car parts that's been at her desk for the past 7-8 months. Much bigger package than what I thought; Ken and Arvin proceed to start to freak-out that we will be stopped at the border. Yeesh
5:30pm - arrive at Outlet Mall. End up buying a Nike dri-fit shirt for $10 and a pair of Nike runners for $40. I threw out my New Balance runners that were a bit wide and had seen better days
7:30pm - arrive at home for a quick breather. Oh and to "deposit" some stuff in the bathroom. I made the executive decision to try to sneak in two of the three boxes of car parts to Canada, and get the third box delivered to me
9:15pm - arrive at Lou's Pizza, where we had an awesome deep dish sausage pizza. My heart starts to moan
10:30pm - go to Dominick's Grocery store, pick up a couple of Chex Mix for the brothers
11:45pm - get home, shower and do some more deposits
Sunday, 1:00am - talk to cousin Meng, who is leaving for Florida in a couple of days
1:30am - sleep
7:30am - wake up, go to bathroom, say "screw it" and went back to bed
8:30am - wake up, take shower
9:15am - ate breakfast that Tita Myrna cooked for us; longanesa, rice and atchara
9:30am - watch "The Simple Life" on TV
10:15am - say our goodbyes, go to Target for one last shopping excursion, go to White Castle to pick up slyders (aka. burgers) for the road
1:30pm - stuck in Indiana traffic. Thank goodness Ken is driving
(before arrival) - watch "Fun With Dick and Jane", Saved By The Bell and In Living Colour
7:00pm, E.T. - reach the border, had no problems at all. I proceed to get mad at Arvin and Ken for being too worried about getting stopped at the border and I could've taken my other car part (in honesty though, I was kinda worried too, but only because they were so worried)
9:35pm - arrive home, and start thinking about how it would be like if (when?) we were to do this for New York
I do believe I will be calling in sick tomorrow. Now that's productive baby
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Jason And Arvin And Ken Go To White Castle
Leavin' tomorrow to Shykahgooo with the groom's party (not pictured below). Should be good, as I would finally get my car parts. Yee-uh!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Apparently You CAN Judge A Book By It's Cover
That house I wanted to live in? Forget it, not so nice.
I dread when we actually start looking for a house for real. Sigh.
Where would you like to live? I'd like to ideally live somewhere that looks a little like this:
I hope my benefactor would like something similar. I love you!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
So I was in the bathroom, taking a "number 1" when all of a sudden in my peripheral vision I notice a big buzzing bug (one of those fuzzy ones that sort of look like a bee yet at the same time a spider with wings) on my shoulder, slowly making its way to my neck. Instinctively, I start to try to shoo away the bug; of course not realizing that I am slowly splashing around and outside the toilet. So I try to compose myself, but the bug gets closer; again I try to shoo, and again the splashing continues. As it gets much closer to my neck, I finally get it off of me and shoo it onto the counter. The aftermath? A dead bug due to the newspaper I hit it with and a whole lot of cleanup. This was my one opportunity where I could've kept calm and compose myself like the ninja warrior I always thought I was. I was wrong. Argh.
* * *
* * *
Renos galore in my house again...marble tiles in the kitchen. Gonna be chaotic again; hopefully it will be worth it. Can't wait till we get our own house!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Why Is My Car Insurance Rates Higher This Year?
"Because the rates went up"
"Yes, but why?"
"Well, according to my computer, your premiums went up $104 from last year"
"Yes, but why?"
"Well, the Grand Touring Protection Coverage from last year went up $25, so really it only went up $75"
"Actually that's $79. But if my car is getting older each year, and it depreciates in value each year, why are my rates going up?"
"Really? Inflation? That's the reason?"
"Yes. Is there anything else I can help you with?"
"No, but I find that a really dumb answer. Thanks anyway"
"No, but I find that a really dumb answer. Thanks anyway"
Sigh. I seriously hate car insurance companies.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Pulled Pork Heaven/Hell
Not willing to let the Ribfest at City Hall go without at least visiting it once, plus the fact I love these things:
Ken, Jake and I walked in the pouring rain with me horribly sore from yesterday to get some wonderful protein. And it was good. Maybe too good. The meat was awesome, but maybe a little too oily; half the bun was not only soaked but drenched and diluged in oil (I ended up only eating about 3/4 of the bread). I was gonna buy one for lunch tomorrow, but thought better of it. I don't think my heart would've forgave me.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
And Another One Done
So concludes my 4th PHI Slo-Pitch tournament, with the same results: soreness. But new this year is not the feeling of "never again." I actually had a lot of fun at this year's tourney. The first game we won against Ottawa, traditionally a powerhouse team. And who was the pitcher for our team?
But then came the second game...the first three innings were fine, until the last two where I became unravelled. I don't know, I guess I got spooked and I lost my control. I was not to pitch again. We ended up winning 2 and losing 1, and we actually went to a fourth game (albeit we lost, Peel has never really gotten far in recent years).
All in all, a good time and I guess it helped that the tourney was held in Peel (despite it being a lot of work) because I was close to home. Oh yeah, and the weather, while it rained a bit, was also a factor in goodness in that it was not scortching hot. It also helped that Sharon came to volunteer and met my workmates and they all liked her (I dunno why things like that make me smile).
The only stupid things I did (because I always do stupid thing)?
1. Wake up at 6:45am when I was supposed to be at Sharon's house at that time. I woke up at 5:34am like I planned and thought I hit snooze; apparently I shut off the alarm instead. Good thing Ken called me and woke me up.
2. Unnecessarily slide into second base, all for a laugh. Yeah, I gots the scrapeys on my leg now. Ah well.
Next year again I guess.
PHIs Drunk Equal Embarassment
So this year Peel hosted the annual PHI slo-pitch tournament. I purposely didn't join the committee because I knew it would be a lot of work; which it was. I "volunteered" today and I ended up feeling like I did a crazy amount of work being the "bus coordinator." It's not fun all the time trying to deal with drunken idiots. Sometimes makes me glad I don't drink (like an idiot; besides, it wasn't Wednesday). I will admit, though, that's it's nice seeing some PHIs I haven't seen a while. I also ended up getting a DJ contact name, coincidentally being the same DJ that did Gil and Marie's engagement party. I wonder if Sharon will agree.
And now I have to wake up in about 3 hours to play softball. Yikes...I think I may be getting too old for this
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Hot And Wet
No, I'm not talking about that, but rather the weather. And on top of that, why is it that whenever a flat tire occurs, it's never at a worse time (although it can be argued that there is never really a better time a flat tire can occur). I am not talking about my car, but rather the Rolla that my brothers "take care of" (I put that in quotations to denote my sarcasm).
Conrad had a flat tire on the side of the 410; I came to help but we couldn't get the wheel off due to it being rusted. And it was hot. And wet. And I felt sticky. Brutal.
Granted the flat tire is not his fault, but there always seems to be problems with that car. It was once my baby too; I once took care of it like I do mine now...maybe it's yearning for me? Riiiiiiite....
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Juhky Reborn
So since my last, rather inspiring post about my new love of football (only people who don't know and aren't wannabes call it "soccer"), I have crossed the threshold of really rarely recreational player to rarely recreational player. I went to Walmart and found this on sale:
Well, not the exact same ones, but shin guards nonetheless. I can't wait till the next time I play so I can for sure look like a poser. I'm thinking about getting a jersey with the name on the back saying, "Juhky."
What else was I doing at Walmart? Well, I was buying tennis balls. Arvin and I are going to play tennis, for reasons unknown. Should be interesting since the last time I played I think was three years ago. I should prolly find my tennis racket...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Heavens Devils
I was watching this pretty crappy movie yesterday on TV:
Sometimes people watch old movies, and while seeming "dated" it can still maintain the integrity of the picture. This one though was pretty bad (as in not-so-good). The only thing about this movie I liked was the bikes, and how much I want one. Something about riding a bike seems
Monday, July 17, 2006
Damn You Fat Lady
At least you haven't sung though, otherwise I might be over. But anywho, I went for my regular blood test, and this morbidly obese lady was taking my blood (not the regular guy who usually does it). The regular guy is usually gentle and actually takes the time to find the vein. This lady? Yeah...she just jabbed me with the needle under my elbow that I felt a muscle in my wrist move. As a result, it's tender.
Sharon's take on it? "She must've been skinny and smart before she got a permanent full time job. But then she got fat because she didn't have to try anymore because she already had her full time job. As a result, she became lazy and dumb. And now you're in pain." Always a great prespective she provides me. Always.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Adieu, Good Doctor
At the risk of sounding like this guy:
Gimme ten!
Dis-pa-dee-da today at his house, as he is leaving for the great city of Calgary tomorrow or Tuesday.
I remember a statment Dr, Sy said back when we all graduated high school: "I presumed, for one reason or another, we were all going to go to the same University." At the time, I thought it was a bit ridiculous as of course everyone went somewhere else.
Maybe I am the ridiculous one now? For one reason or another, I thought everyone (except for BJ) was just going to live in Mississauga after we all started our careers, having children here and just living out life. Of course, as things turned out, I was wrong. Even come a couple of years from now, other friends and people in my life will be relocating (heck, maybe even my
Have I always been so naive to think that all my friends were perfectly happy here, not wanting to explore what else is out there? Am I wrong to feel perfectly content living here? Should I be moving to another province just to "try it out"? What happened to Jeff's plan of everyone having a specific role in his society?
Yikes, I become quite gay when someone moves away; it's not like they are dead or anything. But just knowing that things gones dones and changeds, and will never be the's such a disparaging thought. I think I'm just a baby and way too emotional. I better learn to let things go, I guess.
In the end, though...I don't want to be...a murderer...(yep, sounds as gay as it felt typing it)
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Ms. Lobo's
Purveyors of finely baked, homemade chocolate chip cookies. Absolutely delicious, it soothes my craving for a delectable sweet treat. My sincerest apologies, but the batch I have are mine, all mine.
Now then, to work on cooking real food...
(just joking baby...kinda...iwuvwu!)
Friday, July 14, 2006
Training: Not So Good
So my BP training hit a snag last night. Apparently my lack of alchol dehydroganase combined with my inability to appreciate Alexander Keith's hath made me puketh. So, scratch that off my list. It tastes like crap, and made feel like it too!
* * *
What did I do on my day off?
-woke up, luckily without any symptoms of cocktail flu
-went to lunch with the best girl ever in the world
-spent a couple of hours doing something for my passion. What passion you may ask? Well, I have been a big fan of basketball for many a years. As well, a big fan of shoes. Combine those two, and you have my collection which I finally took a picture or 40 of. I now present to you, a couple shots of my black colourway Nike VC Shox line:
Of course I took individual shots of the VC 1-5 (including the often forgotten VC1.5) as well, but you get the idea. Apparently Nike is not going to make anymore signature shoes for VC, which is a little sad that the collection ends here, but it's also good for my wallet at the same time. I'm sure Sharon is happy, because she just doesn't get my collection. Sometimes girls just don't understand.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Happy Birfgay
You are old.
Maly is a lucky girl
Oh and don't think I forgot about Jepot. How can anyone forget about Jepot? Happy belated.

A candid pose, he was unaware a camera was going to take his picture

A candid pose, he was unaware a camera was going to take his picture
And now...I wait for the obligatory "embarass you back retaliation" although it may be a while if ever they do
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Yep...As A Result Of Yesterday...
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Soccer Today, So-sore-ccer Tomorrow
So I do believe I had the soccer game of my life today, when our annual Environmental Health The Beautiful Game Of Football Game happened. Soccer is a very demanding sport, very taxing on your body (especially if it's scorching hot outside and you are totally not in shape). Which may be the reason why I'll be sore for the next, I dunno, two weeks. My highlights (and lowlights) of the game:
-I was playing striker, and the first pass that went to me I missed. Needless to say, I didn't inspire a lot of confidence in my team. So I dropped down the field to play defence
-maybe not a good idea, as when Kathie was charging the net with the ball, I foolishly attempted to tackle her. Foolishly why? Because her elbow ended up under my left eye. I'm not sure but I think I may be having a bruise there for the next couple of days
-at that point, I realized I may have a heart attack and really, soccer is not in Filipino's blood
-even worse, I was playing defence and was supposed to be covering Trent. He scored
-not only that, I was seriously gasping for air. I thought to myself that I won't substitute out unless I actually do something for my team
-and that's when it happened...
I knew all the training in that bra would support me
Aldo gave me a nice pass where I kicked it with my left foot in past Michael, the goalkeeper who was playing absolutely awesome until that point. I promptly did the finger waving thing that that Italian guy did and Aldo and Trent tried to jump on me. But I would have none of that because...I ran to the sidelines to be substituted. I really, really needed water and air
-seriously, I lost my breath at least 7 times throughout the game
-I played goalkeeper for my team and we were down 4-2 with about 20 minutes left to play. I immediately let in a goal, and were down 5-2
-with about ten minutes left to play, that's when The Comeback went into full-effect. Mark scored, then Danny scored. We were down 5-4 with about 3 minutes left to play. Rosemary told me to go up front and abandon my goalkeeper position. I think she was on to something, because with literally 5 seconds left to play before fulltime (Andrea was our timekeeper), I impressed everyone (most of all myself) when I did the unthinkable:

I scored with a...flag?!? Holy double entendre!

I scored with a...flag?!? Holy double entendre!
That's right...perhaps one of the highlights of not just my day, but of my life! Well my sporting life, anyway. I promptly tore off my shirt (providing plenty of unintentional comedy amongst the female crowd I'm sure), ran down the field waving said shirt over my head, spotted Tony and chest bumped him and hugged him afterwards. Very gay, I know
-the game ended in a 5-5 tie, and we were going to decide the game by penalty kicks. We lost that penalty kick match, so Aldo proclaimed the game a tie
-I got plenty of props and shocked and amazed faces stating, "where the hell did that come from? I didn't know you knew how to play soccer!" Little did they know that...I don't. I just watch it every four years and try to emulate the real players. I even got a header in the game too! Usually my header attempts turn into facers!
So to celebrate afterwards, I went home and took a shower. Walter called me and told me to go to the Rooster and Firkin's because some workmates were there. I went, and was told by people that they didn't remember me playing that way last year. Basically, I sucked last year, but this year I really impressed them. I unfortunately didn't Zidane any girls (headbutt them in the chest), but I did get to slap Sandra's butt at the end of the day. Hey, she did it to me.
With my ego at an all time high, I think I better retire from the game while I'm on top, just like Michael Jordan (yes, yes, insert snickers here). That and the fact that I may be exposed for the flukey fraud that I really am the next game we play. I am, however, very tempted to buy shin pads and soccer cleats now.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Oh Great Merck-iful Lord!
My (our) lives just got a bit more clearer. And what do I win in the end? Bread!
I love you baby and am proud of you!
* * *
Work...ugh...I think I should be like zeitgeber and just take a week off and do, well, nothing.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Forza Italia!
Thank you for such wonderful food
According to my manager, that means "Power to Italy." Well, they gone and won their World Cup game, which of course brings out the flag bearers. So I decided I was going to be Italian today and honk like crazy whenever a car passed by with the Italian Flag. I think I confused people. "Is he from the Asian part of Italy?"
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Terroryrific News!
Even though there is no way I have a chance with her and I'm currently with the person I love to death, just the thought of her being single is awesome. Simply awesome.
All Steak, No Sizzle
If I bought the franchise, it would be Jason's Ruth Chris Steak House
It was what I had been dreaming about since I first heard it was opening up in Mississauga years ago: the best cuts of meat (the top 2 percentile of beef); very good sides and wine (even though we don't wasn't Wednesday afterall); and, of course, the meal being ridiculously overpriced. I just needed a very good excuse to go there. Add on top of that there was a "primetime special" going on (starter, main, accompaniment, dessert) for $54, I couldn't not go there.
So I started off with the Lobster Bisque, got a Ribeye Steak medium-rare, sauted mushrooms and steak fries (extra cost), and ended off with a chocolate chunk bread pudding. Sounds really good, right? Well, it was. Why then after this meal all I could think about is this:
Everything is sexy about her, butter face
Seriously, I think every single dish I had involved ridiculously large amounts of real butter. It's true what my workmate Beata said: "you'll feel a layer of butter in your throat and mouth afterwards." Bleech.
So the verdict? The meat was very tender and the plate sizzled. The dessert was awesome. The service wasn't half-bad (I did end off the evening shaking the waiter, server and the manager's hands. Don't ask me why I did that). BUT...I think I can make just as good if not better steak at home. I think I appreciate steak on a barbie better than in an 1800 degree oven. And I prolly wouldn't use that much butter (or not at all). So, it was a very good once in a lifetime meal (I'm surprised it wasn't my last meal and that it didn't give me a heart attack).
The night ended off with this great film:
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest:
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest:
-Barbosa! That's the name of the captain that makes a surprise visit at the end (the preceeding sentence was a spoiler, so don't read it. I'm really good at giving disclaimers, I know)
-if only Keira Knightley didn't look so homely...
-met lil' Mikey and Marcy there. Also witnessed teenaged drama, where one girl didn't want to sit next to her ex-boyfriend, and they got up about 4 times during the movie. The only redeeming thing that happened was an angry woman sitting in front of them turning around and telling them to shut up
-"Who will go to the ends of the Earth to find the Captain?" (pirate with wooden eye): "Ay!" Pure hilarity.
-I guess the extras in King Kong got typecasted
-all in all, a good movie but now I can't wait until the third installment. Perhaps one of those trilogies I'm going to have to buy
Ugh...I don't think I'm gonna eat tomorrow
Thursday, July 06, 2006
So I'm Still Battling It
The perception that I can't keep a secret. Some of my workmates told me today that I cannot keep a secret; I would've agreed with them had the thing I said actually have been a secret. What did I say to prompt them to say I can't keep a secret? Well, apparently it's a secret, so I can't tell you. know this, I have been consciously trying hard not to have a blabber-mouth that I admitedly once did in high school/university. It's mighty discouraging to hear that I am unable to when I'm honestly trying; heck, I don't even ask people anything that would make it seem like I'm prying in the least bit. Sharon told me that you know when you're an adult when you don't tell other people things they prolly shouldn't know.
I guess other people will always have this perception of me that way though. Sigh...don't tell me anything anyone. Apparently I can't be trusted*
Here We Go Again...
Got my computer back after needing to be reformatted because I think I got a virus on it. So now I have to download all the old programs back (MSN, limewire, iTunes, winamp, etc.). It's quite annoying, but as long as it's working sans virus, I don't mind.
* * *
Smoking and drinking on a Wednesday night again? No problem! This time in addtion to ArJ and BeeJ there was Ives, Dr. Sy and Kenken. Good times, but now I have to work tomorrow. I drank two beers. It's great though, because now I can say anything bad and after I would say it, I'm able to say "sorry, I'm drunk"
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
It's like a thong pic on a sexy girl...except, well, it's not
Ahhh...nothing like a tighty-whities shot. Thanks dear, for this ever so fascinating perspective of my backside from our canoe trip from Bon Echo.
* * *
I may be not having a genuine copy of Windows, apparently. Looks like I have to go back to Alben. I hate computers sometimes, yet, I'm so dependant on it. It's like crack I would imagine.
Ahhh...nothing like a tighty-whities shot. Thanks dear, for this ever so fascinating perspective of my backside from our canoe trip from Bon Echo.
* * *
I may be not having a genuine copy of Windows, apparently. Looks like I have to go back to Alben. I hate computers sometimes, yet, I'm so dependant on it. It's like crack I would imagine.
Monday, July 03, 2006
I Knew I Was Super
Don't believe me? You're telling me this isn't a coincidence?!?
I should be a graphic artist...seriously
Not only that, Sharon and I watched the movie today, and it was revealed that his son's name was Jason. (By the way, the previous sentence was somewhat of a spoiler for the movie, so don't read it if you didn't watch the movie)
I thought it was an okay movie. I'd love to fly. Oh and have x-ray vision. Maybe it's a good thing I don't have super powers though, because I may be a Super Pervert.
Shaaaaat Upppp
I was reading this article:
(link removed because it was screwing up my format. Just know it was about Chloe Sevigny)
It's funny how a C-list celebrity would say stuff like that. So right after I read it, I proceeded to watch the part of the movie The Brown Bunny everyone downloads...yeah...that part.
Congrats To Team Alran (aka. Kiry)
Went to Kiran and Aly's wedding today, my first Muslim wedding. Some quick notes:
-Sharon was wearing a sari for the first time in her life, and she looked magnifique. Even her pasty white tummy was cute
-I wore these dress socks that came up to my knees. Basically it was like knee high stockings that girls wore with their kilts in high school. Oddly, it was quite comfortable
-the ceremony itself was nice, where I had to take off my shoes and sit on the floor crosslegged. Either than feeling like I was in high school again attending a school mass, it was nice. It even had a narrative to tell us non-Muslim people what was happening (and there were a lot of Chinese people there too)
-had three hours to kill, so Sharon, Jen E., and I ended up going to Jen T. and Mike's place to chill. We ate crackers and cheese and watched Dodgeball the Movie. Thanks Jen (that's right, I'm talking to you, now that I know you read my blog. Damn, now I can't type anything bad about you...a-heh-a-heh)
-went to the reception at La Premavera in Woodbridge. The antipasto bar was pretty good, with these potato chips with yogurt, hashbrowns, lamb tikka, and a chicken in a mint marinade. I had two servings, which was a good thing because...
-...the actual main course was not a lot of food. I usually thought of weddings as a place where you can overeat, but the main course consisting of tandoori chicken, mutton chops, daal, naan, etc. had portions so small not everyone got one piece of each thing. At least the Ras Malai was the dessert, but even that wasn't cold enough for my liking. There was, though, a chocolate fountain and I had good times with that. Come to think of it now, maybe it was a good thing there wasn't more food because I always tend to overeat at weddings
-there was an amature presentation of a bollywood type of dance number performed for the bride and groom, which inspired me to do this when the dance portion of the night came:
Man, so many people started dancing with me, it was crazy. Well, it didn't actually happen that way, but I'm almost tempted to take Bollywood dance classes now. Maybe not.
-I did dance with Sharon though, which is always good with her puckered-lips-bob-your-head-look-away dance. Man, I love her
All in all, a good wedding. Next one will be Team Mikenifer in London, where there will be twelve courses. I better start fasting now
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Crohhhhhhhhhhh Line
Nothing like working on a holiday Saturday, albeit I don't have a lot of things to do but wait for calls to come in (about 5 in total). As a result, I ended up bringing in my DVD player again and have watched Saved By The Bell to great amusement. I also watched the movie "Derailed" which wasn't too bad. I impressed myself by guessing the plot line and all the twists before the movie finished. Obviously it doesn't take a lot to impress myself.
I enjoy these overtime shifts as it is not really strenuous work. I am still slightly annoyed that instead of double time I am only getting time and a half, but then I remember: why be annoyed? The money and lieu time I'm's not like I deserve it anyway. The Government is great!
* * *
Tonight is the start of wedding photographer meetings.
* * *
I didn't post it yesterday because I'm an insensitive clod, but what I meant to say was:
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