Saturday, July 22, 2006

And Another One Done

So concludes my 4th PHI Slo-Pitch tournament, with the same results: soreness. But new this year is not the feeling of "never again." I actually had a lot of fun at this year's tourney. The first game we won against Ottawa, traditionally a powerhouse team. And who was the pitcher for our team?
But then came the second game...the first three innings were fine, until the last two where I became unravelled. I don't know, I guess I got spooked and I lost my control. I was not to pitch again. We ended up winning 2 and losing 1, and we actually went to a fourth game (albeit we lost, Peel has never really gotten far in recent years).
All in all, a good time and I guess it helped that the tourney was held in Peel (despite it being a lot of work) because I was close to home. Oh yeah, and the weather, while it rained a bit, was also a factor in goodness in that it was not scortching hot. It also helped that Sharon came to volunteer and met my workmates and they all liked her (I dunno why things like that make me smile).
The only stupid things I did (because I always do stupid thing)?
1. Wake up at 6:45am when I was supposed to be at Sharon's house at that time. I woke up at 5:34am like I planned and thought I hit snooze; apparently I shut off the alarm instead. Good thing Ken called me and woke me up.
2. Unnecessarily slide into second base, all for a laugh. Yeah, I gots the scrapeys on my leg now. Ah well.
Next year again I guess.

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