Thursday, September 21, 2006

I Yam A Ham

Kam on blogspot, you're usually good with the pics. Well, if the pictures were working, I would've posted a picture of "The Museum of Ham" in Spain. Rowena is going on a Spain trip next week, and one of her highlights is going to the Museum of Ham. For one reason or another, I'm kinda envious. I want Spanish Ham. As long as it doesn't taste like that awful "cooked ham" deli meats you can get at delis. Talk about filler.
If there was, say, a Museum of Steak...I'd more than likely plan a trip around that for sure. Mmmmm...steak...
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Worst song I've heard in a long time? That eenie meenie mynnie mo "hip hop" song.'s horrible on so many levels. What's next? Icka lacka horses' kaka?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No picture required right now. I will take a pic in person. Oh the Jamon! Too bad I can't bring a ham hock home on the plane. Damn CFIA!