Wednesday, December 20, 2006

And Then I Ate The Bowl!

Anyone have 1 litre of HP sauce?
Okay, not really, I'm not that insane. But my workmates certainly are.
216oz. of beef + 3 insane guys =

They should've wore gay shirts for this occasion. Oh wait...
So after about a year of talking about it, Mikey, Tony and Alan decided to do it (not me, I'm not as young as I used to be). A bunch of workmates went out to Texas Longhorn last night after work. I had half a rack of ribs, and I was so full after that. These guys ate steaks that equated to about 4.5 lbs. each. The only disappointing thing was that it was not a steak in its truest sense; it was more like pot roasts grilled over a fire. And about 15% of the meat was actually fat, so they had to trim around that. I felt full and nauseous just watching them eat it. But whatever, these guys are champs (especially Alan, who had his side of fries and a Pepsi with it).
I think I'm going to go hurl now.

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