Sunday, January 07, 2007

Imma Flossin' Plats Babyz

Through the good fortunes of the Raptor Gods, I got free platinum seats at the Raps via Conrad's friend. Yee-uh! Here's what I wrote for the Raptorsblog forum:

First game of the year I get to the ACC, and the Raptor Gods smile down on me: free Platinum seats baby! It seems every year for the past few I’ve been able to get on floor level, and I ain’t complainin’. This years benefactor: my brother’s friends who couldn’t go. Score!

Anywho, some random thoughts while I was there:
-amazing view, 9th row, section 120, right behind the Wizard’s bench where I could see the baldness that is Chuck. I also saw Leo, and was very tempted to throw my water bottle at his head and say, “That’s your X-Factor right there, you ****bag”
-got the Bargs action figure (thought it was gonna be a bobblehead). NorthernFalcon said it right: looks nothing like him. Witness:

-ordered the Pork Rib Sangwich (it was Italy day, I feel obliged to call it that) because I do every time I get to sit in the Platinum section and have someone deliver it to me (aka. Jeeves). Was disappointed because I thought it was gonna be the pulled-pork sangwich, ended up being something like the McRib. There goes that tradition.
-saw Superfan Nav Bhatia there giving everyone props and daps and hugs. Damn I wish I was as rich as he was
-oh right, the game. TJ Ford is a shrub amongst trees, but damn is he fast. Agent Zero looks as cut as Maggette. Bosh needs to cut his hair, Rasho looks like a sloth, and Brendan Haywood a sissyboy
-looked up at the scoreboard and saw the Raps built a lead. Don’t know how that happened, but I knew it wouldn’t last
-I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: basketball players are freaks of nature. To be that big and yet that agile (Rasho aside) and able to control the ball a size of a grapefruit to the normal person is amazing to me
-Rasho has very good court vision. Too bad he can’t finish on simple plays
-Bargs impressed me lots. At draft day I wanted Aldrige, but I guess BC knew what he was doing
-halftime we went walking at in the tunnels and I saw this dance pak girl in person:

I think I’m in love. Seriously, she’s hot
-Jarvis Hayes and Caron Butler played really well. Gilbert seemed to have partied too much on his birthday, because a bunch of plays that seems like he could’ve finished with his eyes closed he was struggling with. It did surprise me, however, to see he took 21 free throw attempts. wtf?
-saw blonde mop girl and she was jugtastical. Also saw ballboy, who looks like the lovechild of Matt Geiger and Greg Foster
-Raps up by 20 when Joey Graham missed an easy layup, and that’s when I said, “there’s the turning point.” Because, you know, there’s no way the Raps were gonna hold onto this lead
-sure enough, Charles Oakley, errrr…Roger Mason, Jr. hits two threes in a row and the Wiz go on a mini run. They run a full court press, and the Raps for the life of them can’t get past the timeline. I mean, Jose Calderon threw the ball off his own shot clock one play. wtf? Which makes me wonder: if the Wiz just ran the full court press the whole game, I’m sure the Raps would’ve scored 33 points, tops
-perhaps the sloppiest and ugliest end of the game I’ve witnessed. For all of Joey Graham’s maddening “defense,” at least he hit two straight gimmes at the end

-Fred Jones, where art thou?
-and what would a post be without the berating of Derek Martin? Man I hate that tubby Ashy Larry guy

Good game, Raps were lucky not to blow the lead, and Smitch is wearing down on me. Just glad I didn’t have to hear Chuck and Leo call it

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