Sunday, March 18, 2007


No, it's not another movie like 300; rather, according to that is my IQ.
Basically, I had to tally how many correct answers I got out of 60 questions. I had 46 questions correct. Sharon told me she had 55 questions correct!!! Only to find out...she added her score wrong and actually had 45 questions correct for an IQ score of 117 (as opposed to the 136 she at first thought she had...needless to say that whole incident made me laugh for a little while. Superior IQ indeed).
Both of us are considered "Above Average IQ" which is great and all, but you know, and I don't mean to gloat or anything (but I will, naturally), I do have a higher IQ than her. Now, I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but I don't see her messin' with no...average IQ man. Just saying.

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