Sunday, June 24, 2007

Yum Yum Sinigang

My Dad makes this great Filipino dish:
Filipinos always eat on their hardwood floors
He makes it really good; super sour and tender meat. This is one of the things I'll really miss when I move out. I can of course learn to cook it for myself, but I prefer the whole "food is ready and I don't have to prepare it" aspect of living here.
Speaking of which, my Dad asked me, "are you going to cook or eat out everyday when you move out?" And then I caught myself being all old and adult-like. I responded, "we'll cook of you think I am made of money?" But I think his point being was that Sharon should learn how to cook. I agree. Definitely.
* * *
4 more days till mortgage time! I bought some chairs for the kitchen table today. So now we can proudly tell our guest that they are now able to sit at the kitchen table. The fact that we have a glass kitchen table base, chairs, but no actual glass table top is besides the point.

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