Tuesday, July 24, 2007


So what did I do today that was a first (and hopefully the last)?
I locked myself out of the house.
Luckily I had my phone with me (thank goodness I had my phone with me) so I could call Sharon to unlock me out of the house.
I think it may be in part to the fact I'm running myself ragged here.
My body is getting sore like a mofo too. As a result, I'm going for a massage. Damn I'm excited.
* * *
I miss the gym, basketball and even jogging. Can't wait till free time surfaces again

1 comment:

Jen(nnn) said...

There's no better way to test how easy it is to break into your house than to lock yourself out. LOL. Hope the renos are going well! After the dust has settled we'll come over for a visit and to warm your new home. :)