To help myself get out of a funk, I tend to do things that are different from my norm. So what did I do differently today?
I finally changed the layout of my blog.
Okay, so it's not a drastic change, but it's still a change nonetheless.
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I forgot to mention that last week a Public Health Inspector in Toronto was charged by the Police for accepting bribe money from a bar.
I will go on record as saying that I have never and never will accept bribes, nor has it ever crossed my mind. I would like to think of myself as being too honest for that kind of thing.
Going back to the story, though, of what relevance does that have to me (despite it being the first time I've ever heard about a story like this here)? Well, I got into the office and a lot of people started asking me about the situation. I didn't know what they were talking about until they told me the story. Apparently, the PHI that was charged was my mentor.
Do I think he did it? Hard to say. When I was working with him, he was very careful about the things he did and the things he said to me. Obviously, he taught me the correct things to do on the job, and none of the bad things. I also got along with him great, in fact. So it's hard to believe that someone I personally know would do such a thing.
At the same time, though, I know PHIs, like him that play the system (heck, I'm like that sometimes, although I would never do something as serious as that). So in a (sad) way, it sorta didn't surprise me. If anything, I was only surprised that he got caught, especially since other people that knew him told me that he was a very paranoid character that always was worried about getting into trouble. In fact, someone who spoke to him directly told me he said he didn't do it and he believed him.
In the end, I shouldn't speculate. I'll just be patient and wait to see what becomes of it.
Oh yeah, and this situation is also a bit weird for me because I'm a mentor myself (proudly for three years straight). I told everyone that I taught all my students never to do something like that. I taught them the proper way: only accept American Money because it's not worth as much. Oh snap! (That was a joke, by the way, people who may be in authority and may use that last statement against me in a court of law)
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One month before I switch teams at work. Excited, but at the same time getting a little emotional leaving. I really like the people I work with right now, and I'm sorta dreading the new people I'm going to be working with. Luckily, they're only a floor above me away.