Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Goodbye General, Hello Supports

So my time in General Programs at work (ie. inspecting) is soon coming to a close (by the end of this week). Next week I transition into Supports Programs, where chief amongst my responsibilities will be teaching the food handler courses.
Excited for the new job? Yes.
Sad I'm leaving my friends I've made in my office? Yes (although I'll only be a floor away).
Nervous? Sorta.
Schitzophrenic? Yes. Still.
* * *
The end of this week will also mark the end of my mentoring for the third (and likely last) year. My student this year was...interesting. She's a smart one who I'm sure will do well in Public Health. So far I'm 1-0-1 (my student last year didn't go for the orals this year). I hope this one will make me 2-0-1 as mentor; not that I'm counting or anything.
I'll miss mentoring and getting to know my students, but I definitely won't miss the time investment required for mentoring. I liken it to being a babysitter. For four months. And constantly trying to prove that you're able to babysit, even though you make a lot of mistakes in the process (like dropping the baby on the head). I'm not sure where this metaphor is going, but all I know is that I'll miss it, despite all my gripes.
Honestly, this year's student also made me learn a lot about myself. I'm embarassed thinking about it right now. Yikes.
Have I already been a PHI for four years?!? Damn, time flies.

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