Saturday, December 29, 2007

I Take Steaking Seriously

So it's been said here plenty of times how much I like steak. To find the "best steak" to me is a quest I take seriously. After some contemplating (as in, the past 28 seconds), I've decided to come up with this criteria:
1) Must be either a NY or T-Bone cut
2) Meat must be tender and not chewy; almost melt in your mouth
3) Medium-rare
4) Not break the bank (important because I cannot justify spending $50 on a cut of meat. I'm looking at your Ruth's Chris)
5) I have to try it at least twice, in case the first time required a mulligan. Unless the first time was so amazingly good, that a second time is not required.
Why do I bring this up? Well, I have carefully chosen my first "best steak." Almost surprisingly, the "best steak" happens to be from...East Side Mario's. Seriously. Here's the breakdown, according to the criteria above:
1) NY cut
2) Melted in my mouth
3) Bloody goodness
4) $20 with the fixin's
5) Second time trying it, in case the first time was a fluke. I mean, seriously, when you think of steak, you don't think of East Side Mario's
This is, of course, not set in stone. I will always be on the lookout for the best steak

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