Thursday, July 24, 2008

Joy And Disappointment

So the baby shower I planned for Kathie turned out to be a success (well, at least in the fact that she was surprised and really liked the gifts we gave her). Ruthie even brought Trinity and she didn't cry! In fact, I think she likes me because we had some rather insightful, articulate conversations. Seriously, this baby is the smartest two year old I have ever come across. I can't wait until Sharon and I...get a dog. And then a child. Hopefully.
But then there was the disappointment for the day: our contractor, who is 95% complete our bathroom, did not show up again today. Sharon is understandably upset. We're so close, yet, so far away.
I'm trying to take a new route so that I don't pop a blood vessel. Patience. There is nothing I can do when it's up to others thatwe rely on. I understand that we paid him a lot of money for a good product; which, it admitedly is. The problem is, as is most things in life, the service we expect is turning out to be horrible.
In the grand scheme of things, the bathroom will be complete and we will be happy with it. But I guess that saying of "the ends sometimes does not justify the means" applies.
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Going camping tomorrow for the first time in a long time. Bon echo! Hopefully it does not rain too too much. Would love to go canoeing again...hopefully we don't fall in.
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Finally, one of my best friends at work (and, well, best friends period I guess) is having a hard time. She desperately wants a child, but is not having any luck yet. To make it more unfortunate for her, our other friends are going on mat leave soon. When they leave, it will just be us two again (when I first started for the Region, she and I were the youngest ones there and we really clicked. Let's just say she's as retarded as I am).
For a long time I selfishly did not want her to leave (even on mat leave) because she's my lunch buddy and someone I talk to and tell things to that I really don't tell anyone else (with the exception of Sharon, of course). But for the past few years, I've seen the pain in her face.
Now, more than ever...I'd rather be alone at work and her on leave (she admitted she probably would not return if she got preggers). I can't wait to meet their future child; no doubt it would feel love that any child would want, and more.
I wish when the time comes, Sharon and I do not have that problem

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