...I got a power tool! Well, I figured I needed a hammer drill (for those two holes I am eventually going to drill) and I'm not sure if my drill right now will last (right). Plus, I've wanted to delve into the "Ridgid" brand and on top of that, it was (of course) on sale.
And it's orange! Check it out:

It makes certain people Ridgid. Not me, though. Really.
Ah yes, the powers of rationality are still with me.
* * *
I just realized I haven't put up a picture on this boring blog in a long time. I almost forgot how to do it
And you don't even need to walk a hammer drill! Bonus.
Alas, I fear though that the hammer drill will not show me unconditional love. I will put the hammer drill on a leash a few times though, just because.
Which reminds me, we should go visit Roz a few times before she comes here, so she will be vaguely familiar with us
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