So our great and fun weekend in NY ended off on a crappier note.
I have never, ever spent three and half frikin' hours in a car waiting to cross the border. Ridonkulous! I would like to blame the terrorists, but really, what did I expect at the end of a long weekend? Well, maybe 1 to 2 hours wait. But 3.5?!? So that's why it was so cheap flying to Buffalo.
So anywho, NY was fun. We ended up watching two broadway shows (including "In The Heights", perhaps the best show I have ever watched), ate a lot and generally had an expensive ol' time (they ain't lying when they say New York is not cheap). I even got to go to the NBA store and bought a side table. No, really. I went to NY and I bought a side table (you'll have to come over one time to see what I mean).
And so in a few hours, as I always say after a vakay...back to reality
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