So thus far we've been feeling pretty lucky having some pretty good neighbours. They are both retired and somewhat approachable; which can be both good and bad.
Good: they are always home. We (naively) feel like our house is constantly being "watched after". One of them approached us about doing this fence replacement, which we jumped on (it's always good when your neighbours are willing to spend money to make the surroundings look better.
Bad: they are always home. Bad in the sense that at least one of them has "too much time to think".
Here's the gist: we had old landscaping rocks that we gave to one of them (think 85 x 20 lbs. rocks), as he said he was going to use them. Well, our fence thus far is 95% complete (bad weather makes it hard to finish up). I think he was expecting it done the day after the posts were dug (which is retarded). He also fought with the fence builders over stupidness because he felt like they were trying to rip us off (they weren't).
So seeing as how it's two weeks in to the fence build, we hypothesize that he is at home, impatient, and had too much time to think. To the point that he got so annoyed he threw all the landscaping rocks over the fence into my backyard.
Needless to say, I was quite pissed off when I got home and discovered this. I had to move all those rocks because this old stupid retard was prolly acting really childish and threw a hissy fit. wtf? We've been nothing but perfect neighbours to them. They should be so lucky.
So I was talking to the wife about it and how I was going to essentially be childish myself and make enemies with him. She told me, rather rationally, that thus far they have been good neighbours and that one incident like this shouldn't spoil it. Plus, we haven't exactly talked to him yet, so we don't know what his thought process was behind his stupidness. Damn logic.
Blah. If only we had neighbours who were like us (at least, that's what I would like to think). At least the other old guy is perfectly normal
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The Doctors Mistie is coming to town. We're gonna have a traditional manga-cake Thanksgiving party tomorrow, complete with turkey, stuffing, gravy and bread. Dandy!