Saturday, December 12, 2009

Old Guy Playing Ball

So I played ball with Con and his friends. While I'm only three years older than them, I was still the eldest.

Now, I didn't embarrass myself playing or anything, but I got to start thinking: if I had back even the last three years of my life, I would've definitely taken better care of my body and diet. I know I'm talking crazy (considering I'm not even 30 yet), but for some reason I'm becoming more and more aware that time is going by fast.

This is not to say that I'm taking care of my body and diet now. But, I think it's all downhill from now.

I'm not dramatic at all

* * *

Taylor Lautner is on SNL right now. My wife is in love with him (statutory comes to mind, considering he's only SEVENTEEN years old). She is watching me type this right now. She doesn't care, because she has that goofy smile going on right now. It didn't help that he did this martial arts demonstration on the show.

I don't think I ever garned that smile from her before.

She's even forgoing her precious, precious sleep just to watch him.


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