Let's see how I did from last year's resolutions:
1. Be more patient with all the people around me (especially my wife)
(I forgot that this was a resolution perhaps a few weeks into 2010. Which explains why I feel I could work on this a lot, lot more. In other words: fail)
2. Be more patient with all aspects of life
(See #1)
3. Be more healthier (not only physically, but emotionally and mentally as well)
(Depends on how I'm going to define "healthier". Physically, I don't think anything has changed. Emotionally and mentally? Yikes, maybe not so much)
4. Finish the renos! (kitchen this year)
(Finally...a success/score! And to boot, an extra project that I finished that wasn't even on the radar was the closet organizer)
5. Curb some of that conspicuous consumerism
(Aside from the 11th hoodie I bought, I think I'm doing okay with this. I haven't been to RW or BR as much, nor have I had an inkling to purchase unnecessary items. Wait, does purchasing a BlackBerry count? uh-oh)
6. Stress less. About everything (okay, at this point I seem to be copying the same stuff from last year)
(Right. Right.)
7. Be more confident
(Right. Right.)
8. Recognize the things and people that truly make me happy in life
(Maybe? Much like a lot of things in life, it constantly evolves)
9. Don't screw up (biggest one)
(I'm at the point now where I think perhaps the word "screw up" isn't all that bad. I mean, you "screw upwards" a light bulb. And when you have a bright idea, a light bulb over your head goes off. And that light bulb wouldn't have gotten there if you didn't screw it up. So if I did screw up anywhere, it's not a bad thing. Rationalization for the win!)
Looking at the list, it seems yet again that I have not lived up to the resolutions. It's becoming so commonplace now, though, that perhaps maybe I may be reaching for those stars that are a bit out of reach.
This past year will be the last year that things are going to be "the same" (granted that, yes, it's like that every year, but next year will be totally different). I have to step up my game.
The list for next year:
1. Don't be so pessimistic; make a conscious effort to be happier
2. Make those around me as happy as can be and support them as much as possible. Understand that making people happy should lead me to be just as happy
3. It's spelled "selfless", not "selfish". Especially with a baby on the way
4. Accept the storm in my mind. Accept that my emotions are like the weather in Mississauga; it constantly fluctuates and that there is perhaps nothing wrong with that as long as it's not consistently a monsoon in there. We all can't have Long Beach, California weather in our minds or for our emotions; I have to accept that I will never be one of those people
5. Don't be so hard on yourself; accepting that making mistakes (new word for "screwing up"?) will occur, but to give an honest effort not to make the same mistake twice. Sometimes what is viewed as a mistake is not a mistake anyway in retrospect
6. Exercise. Keep at it, especially since it may be harder to come by when April rolls around
7. Try something new. I'm thinking Yoga. I'm going to try Yoga
8. Dream less, live more (okay, I may be setting myself up for failure with this one...lol)
Here's hoping I don't revisit this list only the same time next year (I didn't realize that this year is the year I have blogged the most since I started. Wowza...no wonder I didn't revisit the list from last year throughout the year? Let's go with that. I don't anticipate blogging as much this coming up 2011)
To those that have been reading my non-sensical ramblings and have taken an interest in reading about my bi-polarish life, I still question why. I'm a very boring person and I complain way too much. I am aware of some of you that do read this (mostly friends), and I don't know if there are others that I am unaware of (hi!), but regardless, I wish you and your loved ones (only the loved ones; not the hated ones, or even just the liked ones) a Very Merry New Years!
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