No matter what you do in life, no matter how much you try to treat people with respect, there will always be people out there that unfortunately just won't like you. They won't know anything about you but they will judge you before even trying to (if they want to at all). They will attack you, they will say harsh things about you, and they will certainly believe the words they say. No matter what you do or say, these people will just not like you.
Differences in opinion will inevitably occur and you will have to recognize it; it's how you react to these differences that helps constitute your character.
Ignorant words, threats and slang against you and your integrity will ruin your day, but, don't let it ruin your life.
Believe in yourself, trust yourself, respect yourself.
Treat others (even those that you may not like) how you would like to be treated; if they don't treat you how you would like to be treated, measure what it is worth and if it is not worth much? Walk away. (Hint: it's usually never going to be worth much).
There is no weakness in that. It shows much more strength to turn the other cheek.
You will get this eventually. I hope.
I admit I still have a hard time grasping all of this, especially after days like today (long story short: received perhaps the worst verbal undressing I have ever had as a PHI as a result of an inspection the owner did not agree with. It was vile, it was unfair, and it was ridiculous. I will, however, refuse to let what was said doubt myself and what I think is right.)
I will not get bullied by my own emotions as a result of the words and threats someone who is inconsequential in my life gave to me.
I will toughen up because I want my child to see an example of someone they can respect and admire, because I want my child to be better than me. And they most certainly will be
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A paradigm shift is strangely appreciated because it makes me pause and reflect (as if I don't do that enough).
Constantly striving, constantly trying to improve...
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Had lunch with Kiri today, who treats me all too well. Gave me a cupcake, cake pop, and bought me lunch.
She also made me laugh when she caught me off-guard (I'm usually the tricker, not the trickee). She called me from Sharon's extension and was pretending to be her and, oh, also pretending she was in labour. My heart started to race until I heard the familiar laugh. Dammit!
I love that her maturity level is on par with mine