This week alone, I went to the gym in the morning and played ball in the evening three different days.
I just came back from playing ball at the horrible concrete-floored police station (better than nothing) and my knees are wrecked. Haven't felt this kind of creaking pain before, so I'm icing it down.
I guess I'll just give in and sleep in tomorrow instead of playing ball and going to the gym (day off what).
* * *
Went to a La Leche League (cool name) breastfeeding class with Sharon today. I missed the first class last week because we didn't know Father's were also supposed to be there (oops).
So today when we were doing introductions, they asked us to say our names and what we learned from last week. When it was my turn, the instructors giggled and said, "oh, you weren't here last week!"
I responded: "Hi my name is Jason. I'm sorry I wasn't here last week...I was out buying Formula for our baby"
The look on their faces (and Sharon's) made it all the worth while. Yes, I really am this embarrassing even out in public. But it did garner a few chuckles (even if they were at me and not with me. Whatever).
(As some people know, these breastfeeding groups are like a cult...if you heaven-forbid feed your baby Formula, you're not a good parent. But I won't get into that)
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