Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Always Easier To Say Than Do

So I had to deal with stupid people today again.  First guy in the morning whom I dub "Goofball Idiot".  Second guy in the afternoon whom I dub "Angry At Government Idiot".

At least the first guy is nice; he's just an idiot.  The second guy (whom I met before and who decided that it was a good idea to curse me out...but not that guy who threatened me) is just a plain old imbecile where no matter what I do he will be angry.  I "tattled" on him to his manager, but with my luck his manager will take his side.

Some days (most days) I think I'm just way too sensitive.  Simple things that do not add up to me (ie. being nice to someone, being reciprocated back with venom) make me upset.  A little too easily.

How in the hell do I toughen up?  I keep telling myself I have to (and I desperately want to), but I fear I'm just not built that way.  Sigh.

I hate people.  Well, except you.  I like you.  Yes, you

*  *  *

Time to make some decisions about work again.  Days like today make it clear for me; other days?  Not so much.

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