So I went on a nice, long walk with my son in the Baby Bjorn. He fell nicely asleep on my chest during the walk of about, say, 5 km. At almost exactly the furthest point from my house, the inevitable happened. He started to stir and wake up.
Why was this a "crap" moment? Because he was hungry and he was looking for milk (Sharon was at home taking a nap).
Needless to say, I had to hustle home. But the Buster beat the bawling...he didn't cry. Sweet.
On another good note, it seems my knee is feeling a bit better. I hope I didn't speak too soon though
Bring some pumped milk with you next time. Or grow some breasts. ;) How do you like the Bjorn? Carriers are good, no?
You know, coincidentally enough, I thought about bringing pumped milk.
At the 3 km mark.
And the Bjorn's are just one of the best inventions ever. So much show that if we were to have another boy or girl, I would recommend naming him/her Bjorn
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