Friday, August 05, 2011

Woke Up, Found Things To Be Grateful For

-for having a good paying job to begin with
-my family and friends
-you.  Yes, you
-my sweet, sweet baby
-for having the life I have.  Sometimes I forget how lucky I really am

This is not the end of the world.  I will go through the channels that will allow me to express my concerns and grievances.   I still believe in myself and my abilities, and I know I've been cheated.  Is it worth it though?  Few things in life are.  This isn't one of them.  Sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some (as cheesy as it sounds). 

Spend a few days to be upset, but pick myself up and dust myself off and continue moving on. 

Here I go again with this song, but it's still great and fitting:

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