Friday, November 18, 2011

Playbook? Or Stop The Play(book)?

So upon researching GPS devices for my Dad's BDay present, I happened upon the news that the Blackberry Playbook has dropped dramatically in price (from 5 bills to 2).  Naturally, my "oh! There's a deal to be had!" radar went off crazily.

Am I ready to enter the tablet-age?  Do I listen to my wife who says that I already have an internet addiction and that this won't help at all?  And the almighty question:  do I need one?  (already know the answer to the last question:  no, absolutely not.  I do know what would be considered a need vs. a want.  This, I think I want).

I always eschewed the iPad for whatever reason, always thinking that if I were to get a tablet it would be the BlackBerry one.  And now with this price-point...uh-oh.  Looks like I'm having one of those altogether unnecessary only-in-my-society-while-other-societies-struggle-to-eat dilemmas.  Sad, but the conspicuous consumerism is still strong in my psyche

*  *  *

I really should be sleeping more.  Been running ragged all week, being on-call, working late on the fireplace, waking up early because of the boy...but I won in basketball this morning.  A non-sequitur, but it does make me happy 

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