Friday, December 16, 2011

World's Worst Parent

And that's how I felt when we accidentally turned off the baby monitor and woke up at 7:00am.  Poor Eamon must have been crying for hours.

These are one of those times in my life where I felt so damn horrible.  I was afraid he was going to be delirious or something, but he was okay after drinking some milk from his Mommy.  I hope it doesn't happen again...I mean, I must've said a lot of times that I haven't slept past 6:00am for the longest time.  I just didn't want it to be this way.  I blame me being sick.

I love that guy...I'm glad he's a forgiving person (or doesn't know any better, whateves)

*  *  *

Had lunch with Kiri and Sharon and Eamon today.  Oh, did I mention that we saw my ex-gf from high school there, whom I haven't seen or spoken to in many, many years?

Needless to say, Sharon had quite a bit of fun with me, as I apparently turned red and all awkward.  She kept threatening me at first that she was going to go there and say hi to her.  I kept insisting that she didn't (I don't know's been such a long time.  Oh right, because I'm me).

Until when just we were about to leave, Sharon went up to Ariane and said hi.  And she came over to our table and we did the small talk thing.  She was grateful to Sharon that she said hello to her.

I might have just been glad that I was able to hide behind my

According to Ariane, Eamon "looks exactly like me".

I was close to saying, "Eamon, this could've been your Mommy!"  But, you know, I'm already awkward enough and I would've only done that to try to get back Sharon.  And you know, that would've just been retarded.

Arvin said to me after I texted him:  "I'm surprised you didn't freak out and try to run away."  To that, I say..."yeah, I know"

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