Whomp-whomp...the PlayBook is a dud. Went to The Source to exchange it, was about to then...found out Argay had to be there to do so. Suckatash.
And then what do I find out? That Arfeli did the spontaneous-it's-obvious-they-don't-have-kids-yet-last-minute-trip to Jamaica (granted it's prolly their honeymoon, but still...they booked on Friday and left on Saturday). Not that I'm jealous or anything. In fact, quite the opposite; I'm very happy for them.
So looks like I'll be bringing the Mac to Beygas instead, and the StopBook will have to wait to be exchanged 2 weeks from now. It's okay though, because after reading The Wealthy Barber Returns, it helps me put things into perspective (this is a minor inconvenience, not a major tragedy). I recommend this book for anyone. Apparently I think I'm a book-reader now.
Oh, and reading that book helped invigorate my outlook on finances and saving and whatnot. Of course, going to Beygas is prolly going to counteract that...lol.
Speaking of the trip, we spoke to both Mistie and Beevy and I'm getting excited. Can't believe it's already on Thursday. I feel like I have so much stuffs to do before we go. Luckily I just spent 2 hours cleaning the bathrooms; at least I can check that off my list.
And then there's that other hassle I have to go through before going off on vaykay. Work. Damn you!
K, enough rambling...I should sleep or something
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