So my summer as a mentor has officially ended as I have a day off tomorrow. We celebrated as a team by taking the students out to Shoeless Joe's. My student innodated me with gifts, including a plush cow toy and baked goods. I was even prominently featured in her scrapbook that she made (I'm going to have to get ready for all the barbs I'm going to incur next week). I will miss my student, as she definitely is one of the most, ummm...unique persons I have ever met.
My ex-student from last year, who I didn't get onto the right foot with at the beginning (but everything is fine since), is taking the month off as she gets married. Now that I have two students under my belt (not literally), I am left wondering if I'll do this mentoring thing next year again. I enjoy it, but it does take a lot of time out of you and it could get repetitive. Not that that is a bad thing, as I sometimes have to find things to do. I'll further assess in, say...December.
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When was the last time I did something crazy and unexpected? I wanted to go to Buffalo today just for the heck of it, but no one was available/willing to. But Ken did give me an idea: I think I'll go golfing tomorrow on my day off. Fore!
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