So congrats goes out to Team Michnifer (aka. Jennichael). Held in the pleasant City of London, the wedding went off without a hitch (well, except for the bride and groom that got, well, hitched).
Some quick highlights, because I am damn sleepy from that drive home while trying to digest and stay awake by constantly opening and closing the window, turning off and on the interior lights, singing, etc.:
-got to London early, so we ate lunch at Arby's. Needless to say, we were the best dressed people in the restaurant eating roast beef sandwiches
-got to the Church, and met Sharon's rather tall classmate Sheila. She plays rugby. I wonder if she plays the "hooker" position. Okay, bad joke
-went in and sat with Suzanne and her daughter Taryn, who looked like Mini-Me of Suzanne due to them wearing the same colour dress
-the Priest used a lot of pauses, seemingly for dramatic effect. For a second there, we thought he forgot what he was going to say, like their names. But regardless, it was a nice wedding ceremony
-I had to stay really still, because of that whole hyperhydrosis thing I think I have
-went to a restaurant "Just A Taste" with Sharon and her classmates, including Lukas, Danielle, Sheila, Ludwica, Patrick, Suzanne and Taryn. The way Taryn was acting, I thought for sure Sharon would've wanted to get her tubes tied
-agreed to drive Suzanne and Taryn to the reception, so we went to her house. In her house are all sorts of body plaster mold/art pieces on the walls, including one of a lady with implants. I'm not sure if that means I saw porn or pseudoporn
-got to Shanghai Restaurant, where the reception was being held. Sat at a table with Patrick the Australian, Ludwica, Karen and her husband the Newfie Mike, Steve and his wife Serena who has a baby named Sage, and Heather. Seeing as how I was the only Asian at the all-white table (with the exception of Sharon), I think I was designated "guy who explains what food is coming out because I looked most likely to know." Which I guess was fitting, because I was the only one who ate at least a serving of each of the TWELVE COURSES we had:
1. Assorted BBQ Meats, including jellyfish (which didn't go over too well with some of the people at the table. Surprising?)
2. Stuffed Crab Claws. A chorus of "there's something in my chicken ball!" jokes rang out
3. Vegetables and seafood in a Phoenix's nest (some of the girls like the potato bowl). I exclaimed, "...and I ate the bowl!" while I was eating it, but the Tim Horton's commercial referenced joke kinda flew over everyone's head
4. Shark's Fin Soup. The Newfie said it looked like snot. It did. It was still tasty though. And I was the only one that ate a whole bowl
5. Crisy Chicken. I would think the most popular course that came out, because afterwards came...
6. Lobster! wtf?!? How the people at my table didn't eat perhaps the most expensive course is beyond me, but I wasn't complaining. I had plenty of lobster. And it was quite yummy.
7. Sea Cucumbers with Mushrooms and Bok Choy. If they didn't eat the lobster, they obviously didn't eat the "penis of the sea"
8. Fried Pickerel. Another great dish. Another dish only eaten by pretty much me (although Sharon helped out)
(a big lull between the next courses, but then they wham-ohed us with two courses at once)
9. Yeung Chow Fried Rice
10. Long Life Noodles. By this point though, things slowed down at the table due to the people not being used to having dinner spanned out over 3.5 hours or so
11. Red Bean Soup and Sesame Seed/Almond Cookies. Yummy, but not as yummy as...
12. Cake! The citrus with cream cheese icing kind and the chocolate cake with icing kind. Very good
-yes, I realize I memorized all the courses we ate (which should at least hopefully make Jen smile when she reads this), but as Sharon said, "this is like your perfect wedding reception, huh?"
-funny speeches, including Jen's cousin who told Mike "you're very interesting. But I'm married" and Mike's cousin, who told them to have "pink babies." Some of the people at my table and I were kinda shocked and didn't know how to react because we're not sure if that meant for the baby to be more of Mike's Canadian, white side and not Jen's Asian side, otherwise known as a yellow baby. Took a while, but then we realized it meant for them to have girls. And it took the Australian to tell us Canadians that.

To get to the other side?
-even Sharon said a speech which I personally think drew the most laughs out of her group. I would like to think I made an impact on her? Nah, couldn't be
-oh, we also met Dan for the first time, who was their photographer and will be ours as well. He reminded me of Jon Favreau for some reason. Oh, and he even pinched my nipple. Don't ask
All in all, good times, albeit the emcee was overly inebriated and was swearing and was screaming into the mic and doing some schtick at the end of the night which he must of thought was crazy funny. I'm sure it was crazy funny; unfortunately, only to him. So, congrats and good luck in the future!
There goes that thought about it being a quick post
Some quick highlights, because I am damn sleepy from that drive home while trying to digest and stay awake by constantly opening and closing the window, turning off and on the interior lights, singing, etc.:
-got to London early, so we ate lunch at Arby's. Needless to say, we were the best dressed people in the restaurant eating roast beef sandwiches
-got to the Church, and met Sharon's rather tall classmate Sheila. She plays rugby. I wonder if she plays the "hooker" position. Okay, bad joke
-went in and sat with Suzanne and her daughter Taryn, who looked like Mini-Me of Suzanne due to them wearing the same colour dress
-the Priest used a lot of pauses, seemingly for dramatic effect. For a second there, we thought he forgot what he was going to say, like their names. But regardless, it was a nice wedding ceremony
-I had to stay really still, because of that whole hyperhydrosis thing I think I have
-went to a restaurant "Just A Taste" with Sharon and her classmates, including Lukas, Danielle, Sheila, Ludwica, Patrick, Suzanne and Taryn. The way Taryn was acting, I thought for sure Sharon would've wanted to get her tubes tied
-agreed to drive Suzanne and Taryn to the reception, so we went to her house. In her house are all sorts of body plaster mold/art pieces on the walls, including one of a lady with implants. I'm not sure if that means I saw porn or pseudoporn
-got to Shanghai Restaurant, where the reception was being held. Sat at a table with Patrick the Australian, Ludwica, Karen and her husband the Newfie Mike, Steve and his wife Serena who has a baby named Sage, and Heather. Seeing as how I was the only Asian at the all-white table (with the exception of Sharon), I think I was designated "guy who explains what food is coming out because I looked most likely to know." Which I guess was fitting, because I was the only one who ate at least a serving of each of the TWELVE COURSES we had:
1. Assorted BBQ Meats, including jellyfish (which didn't go over too well with some of the people at the table. Surprising?)
2. Stuffed Crab Claws. A chorus of "there's something in my chicken ball!" jokes rang out
3. Vegetables and seafood in a Phoenix's nest (some of the girls like the potato bowl). I exclaimed, "...and I ate the bowl!" while I was eating it, but the Tim Horton's commercial referenced joke kinda flew over everyone's head
4. Shark's Fin Soup. The Newfie said it looked like snot. It did. It was still tasty though. And I was the only one that ate a whole bowl
5. Crisy Chicken. I would think the most popular course that came out, because afterwards came...
6. Lobster! wtf?!? How the people at my table didn't eat perhaps the most expensive course is beyond me, but I wasn't complaining. I had plenty of lobster. And it was quite yummy.
7. Sea Cucumbers with Mushrooms and Bok Choy. If they didn't eat the lobster, they obviously didn't eat the "penis of the sea"
8. Fried Pickerel. Another great dish. Another dish only eaten by pretty much me (although Sharon helped out)
(a big lull between the next courses, but then they wham-ohed us with two courses at once)
9. Yeung Chow Fried Rice
10. Long Life Noodles. By this point though, things slowed down at the table due to the people not being used to having dinner spanned out over 3.5 hours or so
11. Red Bean Soup and Sesame Seed/Almond Cookies. Yummy, but not as yummy as...
12. Cake! The citrus with cream cheese icing kind and the chocolate cake with icing kind. Very good
-yes, I realize I memorized all the courses we ate (which should at least hopefully make Jen smile when she reads this), but as Sharon said, "this is like your perfect wedding reception, huh?"
-funny speeches, including Jen's cousin who told Mike "you're very interesting. But I'm married" and Mike's cousin, who told them to have "pink babies." Some of the people at my table and I were kinda shocked and didn't know how to react because we're not sure if that meant for the baby to be more of Mike's Canadian, white side and not Jen's Asian side, otherwise known as a yellow baby. Took a while, but then we realized it meant for them to have girls. And it took the Australian to tell us Canadians that.

To get to the other side?
-even Sharon said a speech which I personally think drew the most laughs out of her group. I would like to think I made an impact on her? Nah, couldn't be
-oh, we also met Dan for the first time, who was their photographer and will be ours as well. He reminded me of Jon Favreau for some reason. Oh, and he even pinched my nipple. Don't ask
All in all, good times, albeit the emcee was overly inebriated and was swearing and was screaming into the mic and doing some schtick at the end of the night which he must of thought was crazy funny. I'm sure it was crazy funny; unfortunately, only to him. So, congrats and good luck in the future!
There goes that thought about it being a quick post
1 comment:
Neat, I attended a wedding in london this weekend as well. Mine was for team "Jamy" or "jakmy"?(jake & amy)
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