Friday, October 22, 2010

And My Happiness Drops

I really hate days at work like today.  Just a lot of BS happening, and some self-admitted bad judegements by me.  I hate having to have to suck up to my boss so I don't get in the "bad books".  I hate "playing the game".  I am just so...frustrated.

Mind you, I thnk to myself:  what were you expecting?  Anything different?

I gotta learn to just go with the flow and take things as they come.  Try not to get so discouraged and remind myself it's just work.  Too bad I need it in order to live and provide for my family.

Meh.  It'll pass, I hope.

Speaking of work, today marks the last day I am going to be at the buildling at 44 PCD.  Almost 7 years's not that I'm getting so sentimental about it, but you know what, this was really the only workplace I've known.  Lots of good memories there, some bad ones.  Met some of my bestest friends there.  Just gonna be weird driving to a new place after going to the gym in the mornings.  Mind you, I'm not going to complain so much when it cuts 15 minutes off my commute time going home

*  *  *

Been feeling this song lately thanks to CBC Radio 2 in the morning (great station to listen to while driving in the morning):

Like the guy said on the station, I hope to see the Whole of the Moon one of these days, when I have those (increasingly rare) moments when things actually make sense, even for a second

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