Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Gutom Laru

It was a nice day today.  Like I said, life is good.

Went swimming this morning with the boy, which is always fun.

Then we dropped him off at my in-laws and we watched The Hunger Games.  It was a good movie, but I think because I read the book first it skewed/almost ruined the watching of the movie.

Then we picked up the boy and went for a nice bike ride.  Unfortunately, Eamon is teething and has been cranky lately.  But he still gives me open-mouth kisses and cracks me yeah, I don't mink the crankiness all that much.

Tomorrow he starts daycare part-time to get used to it, and next week he goes full-time.  And I go back to work.

Seriously...where the hell is the time going?  Sigh

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