Saturday, March 03, 2012

In Which Guys Don't Want To Go Home To Reality

So we had our annual workmate Guys Night Out Raptors game today.  It was fun, as per usual.  Highlights:

-drinking beer with the Raptors Dance Pak.  Let me rephrase that: the other guys drank.  And got free beers and sandwiches
-ate a pulled pork sandwich and a roast beef sandwich which were both very, very good
-the Craptors game...right...well it was entertaining but they lost to the Grizz
-afterwards, we went to Bitondo's for some really greasy, very bad for your health ponzo's.  It was at this point we all realized we were not as young as we used to be and couldn't pound back the calories like we once did
-so of course, not wanting to go home, we ended up at a bakery and had espresso's and desserts.  Of course.  I don't even drink coffee, but what the heck, I may as well

All-in-all, a fun night with lots of laughs.  Of course I'll be up in a few hours, but still, I don't do this all the time

*  *  *

4.5 weeks!

I'm hoping it's going to be fun Daddy/Son time.  According to Sharon he's walking/gliding now.  wtf?  Dang, I missed that milestone already.  I think I have a smart kid that is putting together the pieces now.

Of course that also means he's bound to be hardheaded too.  Okay, these might be a very long 4.5 weeks

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