So I just had to get out of my house today. My body is still a wee bit sore and it sorta hurts eating still, but I am not going to be coped up in my house. So I went shopping with Arvin. He got some Salsa shoes (and nacho chip socks). We also went to Square One and met up with Dr. Sy's Dad, who I still think is heartbroken that he left for Alberta. It was quite amusing, actually: "I spent my money for their education and now they (including his brother Merv, who will be moving to Ajax next year) move away. I don't care!" I'm thinking most Filipino dads are like that; at least mine is too.
Oh then we went to Walmart where they were having this anniversary sale. We saw people rushing towards the Clearance centre, where they were hurrily grabbing toothpaste and shampoo. Then I joined in the fracas when I saw my exclusive soap that I use:
Exclusive in that I love this loofah-like soap. Sharon doesn't like it; she prefers Dove or something more moisturizy. The limit was 6 packages of 6 bars of soap. I figure that I use about one bar of soap per month, so this should last me a good three years. I didn't even know the price of it; alls I knews was that if the immigrants were getting it, it must be cheap (I'm going to hell, I know).
Turns out that they were only $1.49 each. See, I have been known to be a guy that goes overboard with good deals. That is, if it's a good deal, I'll buy in serious bulk. So now I'm contemplating if I need a nine year supply of soap. It's really a tough decision. Complex? Yes. Cheap? Maybe even more so. Irish? At least for the next three years.
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