Thursday, October 05, 2006

Random Picture I Found On Google:

As opposed to "Front to Fantasy." I know, not that funny
First day back at work after complaining this past week of going cabin-crazy. And of course, I didn't do much. It's just like I was at home! And not only that, I am taking a course tomorrow to fill in for Jenny (Financial, you know, that's related to work), so this week has been unuberproductive. I was thinking, though, wouldn't it be crazy if all weekends were 6 day weekends? That would be mindboggling. Mindboggling I say, mindboggling!!!
* * *
I'm gonna hang out with my one-time-elementary school nemesis (don't ask, kids are dumb), but now friend-I-hardly-see Lizanor. Crazy!
Edit: Screeeeeeeech......change of plans...raincheck for now. Hope your Mama is okay Liz!

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