Monday, October 02, 2006

The No-Work Corollary

Okay, I admit I don't really know what "corollary" means, but I think that's the word to describe predictament I'm in? I'm enjoying time off right now (although the circumstances around the time off could be better), but I didn't realize that if I wasn't at work I could be bored. Like now. I think I have to learn to just let go of my worries at work and smooth sail, but I figure that will be when I actually finish all my work and be in India. Plus, my body has to learn that sleeping over 6 hours is not that bad (it's still not used to it).

Thank goodness for the invention of the internet, otherwise what the heck would I do? Wow, I really am having a slow day if I'm complaining about not working.
* * *
Many thanks to the well-wishers and no-nay-sayers for my speedy recovery. I may have underestimated the time I would require off, but the recovery process is surprisingly going well. As well, I found I just got my first dedication post ever from another blog, and it makes me feel peachy. Thanks

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