Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Buh Got PIlipinoed

Work.  Blah.

JulesBuh came over to hang out with Eamon after work.  Made her a "Filipino Meal":  fried hot dogs, egg and garlic fried rice.  I'm thinking she has indigestion right about now.

How the hell do Filipino's live past 50 years of age?  Seriously, the diet is horrendous.

(but I liked the meal, of

*  *  *

Sometimes when you look back, nothing looks familiar and you get freaked out and scared and think you made wrong decisions.  But the reality is, you've gone so far, you can't see how bad it was in the first place.

You don't need to know where you're going, you just need to keep moving forward.

See the forest from the trees

1 comment:

Julesbuh said...

no indigestion, just a little gas and a loss of the letter "v".