Friday, September 16, 2011

Okay, Maybe I Took This Extreme Couponing/Hoarding Thing Too Far Today

So we ended up at Dixie Mall.

I saw my Reebok Zigtech basketball shoes onsale for $59.99 plus 25% off at the Foot Locker.  So of course...I bought two.  But at least now I don't have to buy basketball shoes for the next few years!  (Right?!?)

And then I went to Crappy Tire to get gutter protectors that were on-sale after the incident I had earlier this year (leaves blocking up the gutter).  Of course since they were on sale, I had to buy more than was necessary as I'm "thinking ahead" for when I build my shed.

Seriously, I think I have a problem.  But it was all good deals!  Really!

Lawdhavemercy if I don't save enough money for Eamon to go to University...

(dramatic much am I?)


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