Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tanks Gawd Tomorrow Is Sunday, The Day Of Rest

So it was a pretty busy day today:

-woke up early cause I had to do some inspections at the Brampton Farmer's Market.  Freezing cold in the morning to the point that my fingers were numb.  But all in all, it was a good inspection day (in that there were no big problems).  I also purchased a lot of food (of course), which would just be the beginning of the eating for the day

-went to Lowes to return the extra sealer.  Spent extra time in contracting juices are starting to flow again

-came home, left right away for Heartland with Bubs and bubs.  Got a bow tie for Nadal's wedding in November.  I'm just trying something out here

-went to Kim's uncle's home in Rexdale for Michael's birthday party.  It was a very nicely renovated sidesplit with what seemed to be the biggest backyard I've ever seen.  Started my renovating juices flowing even more.  They also had some of the best food ever... I mean, chicken?  Steak?  Crazy desserts?  My heart is hating me right now, but my mouth is more than happy.  Oh, also saw my Best Man there, even though it's been more than a few months (maybe even a year) since I saw the guy.  I of course just pretended and acted the same.  Life is funny sometimes

Now I'm tired.  I really should get some sleep, cause who knows what tomorrow will bring

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