When did my baby start to grow so old? He's past 6 months now. And this means...solid foods!
First try today: baby mum-mums. And it was a...fail.
Second try at dinner: chicken, sweet potato fries, broccoli. And it was a...fail.
Dang! Being the excuse giving parents that we are, it was because he had a hectic day and he was tired (right). I mean, he had swimming this morning, then he had his Optometrist appointment with Christine (his eyesight is not that good, but it's okay because it's normal for babies not to have good eyesight. Or something like that. I don't think I was paying attention enough because the poor kid was traumatized what with getting the dilating tear drops and his Father forcing his eyes open so the Doctor could see in them). Then of course he didn't nap all that much, so by the time he "ate", he was overtired.
Plus, he's a boob man and quite the mama's boy already. Seriously, this is a High Needs Baby (or as we call him: HNB). I'm hoping he grows out of it? Apparently I forget who the father is. It's not like he ever grew out of being High Needs. Yikes.
Let's see what happens tomorrow
* * *
I'm hoping this did the trick for the case of the oh-so-frustrating leaking fridge/freezer. The damn appliance is less than 3 years old!!!
I took apart pretty much every panel for the freezer, and found the problem (at least what I think the problem is): an iced-over, blocked drain hole for the evaporated water. I knew we were overloading the freezer. Good thing I got the chest freezer.
Anywho, out came the hair dryer and towels and I'm hoping this will stop the water from leaking (and the sounds from the fridge that sounds like it is going to die...or, you know, explode).
Let's see what happens in the next few weeks
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